Fitness vs Fast

I was going to try the new diet craze, fast 5:2 diet but not sure how good it is for you so doing this instead. I'm 47 and despite being active my weight is creeping up! Don't want to be a frumpy 40 something so am starting out today on the road to a slimmer, healthier me. Wish me luck and support!


  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    MPF is fantastic, I wish you all the best on this weight loss journey. I've sent you a friend request :)
  • Hi, I'm 49 3/4 and am on the same wavelength.
    Weight was creeping on gradually until I quit smoking 13 months ago and ballooooned!
    This is a really good site and works very well. It really opens your eyes to how much and what you're eating when you examine your diet closely and weigh out the 'normal' portion.
    It's working well for me.
  • sammilou68
    sammilou68 Posts: 6
    Hi, I'm quite new to all this too. Lost some weight (about 70lbs), put some on (about 30)and lost 20lbs since starting to exercise as well. Loving the exercise.
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    i'm 49, 14lb goal loss, been here 6 weeks and am half way there :) I don't do fad diets, I just eat pretty healthily and count every calorie (even in the wine!)

    I'm re-evaluating my weight loss goal - exercise over the last fortnight has *really* started to improve my figure. My food and exercise diary is open, if you like what you see, add me as a friend :) I'm here every day.
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    and i live just down the road from you ... Leeds!