~Turning 40 in 6 months~

Hello! I am a single mother of three young children and a first grade teacher. My life is really good, but could be even better if I were to lose some weight. I turn 40 in six months and I would really like to get focused on losing 40 pounds (or more).

I have used MyFitness Pal before and it worked beautifully. I lost 30 pounds in three months. I would love some "friends" who could keep each other inspired and focused on our goals and share tips for weight loss. Please add me as a friend if you wish.


  • fabandfruity
    fabandfruity Posts: 3 Member
    Hiya I am turning 40 this year also :) I am going to focus on my health this year, lose some weight (50 pounds) and get fit!! I have always wanted to run a half marathon and this year will be the year that I do it. Perhaps we can help each other reach our goals and feel great at 40 :)
  • amyleigh628
    That sounds awesome!
  • tiffany1775
    tiffany1775 Posts: 1 Member
    Hiya I am turning 40 this year also :) I am going to focus on my health this year, lose some weight (50 pounds) and get fit!! I have always wanted to run a half marathon and this year will be the year that I do it. Perhaps we can help each other reach our goals and feel great at 40 :)

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    40lbs to lose ...set your weight loss goal to a lb week...you don't want to go faster because you will canabalise more LBM than necessary and you will find it even more difficult to maintain

    Of course your weight loss should be quicker the first couple of weeks as you lose water weight ...good luck ...keep logging and eating at a defecit
  • abbymercer1
    abbymercer1 Posts: 28 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am another one turning 40 this year and determined to not be fat and 40. I try not to set myself goals as I find the pressure puts me off and when I deprive myself of something it just makes me crave it more. I am going to go for the improve my diet, have things in moderation and increase my exercise approach. As long as the pound go away, I am happy. This year is going to be a hard year as I am also at university doing a nursing degree and this is my final year. Then I have the wonderful task of finding a job. Look forward to chatting. :) Just worked it out, 42 weeks until my birthday.
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    I'm also turning 40 this year. I'm close to my weight goal and am focusing on adding weights to my workouts.
  • wolfruhn
    wolfruhn Posts: 3,025 Member
    Go for it Amy :)
  • dln1975
    dln1975 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm turning the big 4-0 later this month. Eek! So not ready for it, but I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I?!? lol Anyone feel free to add me! I log every day and keep an open diary, and though I won't be anywhere near my goal weight by my 40th birthday I hope to at least be a few pounds lighter. Happy New Year and best of luck to all of us soon-to-be 40-year-olds! :D
  • jsjp
    jsjp Posts: 51 Member
    Turned 40 in October....Trying to get back on track. Would like to lose 20 to 25 lbs by May 1st.
  • mrsKOrtiz
    mrsKOrtiz Posts: 949 Member
    Welcome again!! Please feel free to add me. I am working on losing 30 pounds. I am very active on MFP and love to have friends that log onto MFP daily! Sp please feel free to add me!
  • eharring
    eharring Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there! I found this post by searching for "turning 40" because I, too, am turning 40 in about 6 months, mid July. I would love to lose 40 lbs by then as well, but I'm setting my goal as a pound a week because a lot of things can happen in the next few months. So, hopefully at least 25 pounds by my bday. I said to myself, "I want my mojo back and I want to be a knockout at my birthday party."

    I also decided I need some friends on here. :)
  • darrell24015
    It's been a few weeks since your first post. How's your progress?
  • chestilow
    chestilow Posts: 30 Member
    Turned 40 in November. Need to lose some. Training for a half marathon right now and would like to run a full before 41. Somewhat ambitious but we shall see.

    Anyone feel free to add.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    I turned 40 in November. Started here late Feb. I didn't get as low as I'd hoped by my 40th b-day, but still lighter than I've been in my 30's. Here's to healthier 40's!!