Hey hey! :blush: I'm new here but I'm not new to attempting to lose weight. I'll be honest with ya... I have a HORRIBLE love for food and being lazy. In early 2013, I weighed at least 240 lbs... that's a LOT for someone that's barely 5'2"! Then in November, I got myself a pretty intense job in a warehouse. That amount of physical activity alone with no diet change or exercise took me down to 225! Amazing right?? :astonished: Well by June 2014, I weighed a not-so-bad 215 lbs. That's when I saw that I could lose weight without changing much, eating/feeling better, and not having to join a gym! I started up a youtube channel, got 10 subscribers and stopped documenting...

Since I stopped documenting, I stopped feeling motivated to lose the weight. Then I ultimately began an unhealthy cycle. Eating fast food again, staying up all night/minimal sleep, and working those tough shifts at work. My body is tired, I'm always sleepy, and my body is just flabby. Though I have managed to lose 21 lbs. since June, I'm losing the will to continue. I've been stuck at 194 lbs. and I'm ready to finish! I'm joining a local gym tomorrow with my sister and we're gonna do this together! What I really need from anyone that reads this is motivation... I don't have people that are telling me that I can do it everyday. Maybe starting a youtube channel would change that lol

So again, if you've read this post... comment something motivational, tell me your story, anything! Even that cat poster will be amazing! ♥ Add me here as well if you'd like to hear more from me as we make this journey to being healthy! I'll be doing research to find the most effective weight loss diets... I have to eat better.



  • uclaxtina
    uclaxtina Posts: 67 Member
    Hey Bri, great job on your weight loss so far! I hope that you keep at it until you reach your goal. I am in a similar boat and am needing a little more motivation to hit the gym and eat healthier. I just like to eat too much fast food cause I get too lazy to cook. Today I went into Whole Foods for a healthy eating tour of the store. I came out feeling inspired. I am now just trying to look for those little things in life that will keep up my motivation cause I feel like I've hit bottom. Hopefully that means things can only get better! :)
    Best of luck to you!
  • Im at 190 ish too and kinda been here a while im ready to break through another 10 lbs asap. Itll be off by summer if all goes as planned . I also go to the gym.
  • uclaxtina wrote: »
    Hey Bri, great job on your weight loss so far! I hope that you keep at it until you reach your goal. I am in a similar boat and am needing a little more motivation to hit the gym and eat healthier. I just like to eat too much fast food cause I get too lazy to cook. Today I went into Whole Foods for a healthy eating tour of the store. I came out feeling inspired. I am now just trying to look for those little things in life that will keep up my motivation cause I feel like I've hit bottom. Hopefully that means things can only get better! :)
    Best of luck to you!

    Hiya Tina! :smiley: That means a lot! I'm hoping that we can both make it to the top of our goals. Well, if you're lazy like me, shopping online is a great way to get things. Yes, things take a few days to ship but it's better than going to a store and hoping that they have things. You could go online and buy things like oatmeal, protein powder, scales, etc. Those are my intentions at least. Especially since I found a great person on youtube named ObeseToBeast and he's my most recent source of motivation! Maybe he can help you too! I'll be shopping for nothing but healthy foods from now on.
  • Im at 190 ish too and kinda been here a while im ready to break through another 10 lbs asap. Itll be off by summer if all goes as planned . I also go to the gym.

    Yasss let's do this! :smiley: Shedding this weight will happen! Lol
  • Keep it up
  • harryt678
    harryt678 Posts: 131 Member
    Hello Bri and welcome to mfp! From reading your journey so far it does sound like you are determined to lose the weight! I am also on the same path and with weighing around 140, I have also set the goal to not only lose the tummy to have defined abs but to eat healthier and maintain a healthy weight! I will send you a request on here and let's keep each other motivated and supported!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    You can do it! you've come so far already! I'm on maintenance (well, I've not weighed myself since Christmas but everything still fits so far!) and I find keeping on logging is the best way to stay on track. Even on vacation I continued logging as honestly as I could, and exercising (mostly walking - its the best!) so now I really thing, "Do I want to eat/drink this? Is it going to take me over? Do I want it enough to do some exercise to keep me on target?" If I'm not prepared to exercise for it then I don't really want it! Log it before you eat it to avoid nasty surprises!