Needed - Supportive and Motivational Friends

Hi guys!

My name is Ayla Lee, and I'm getting a jump start on some New Year goals. I've struggled with losing weight for a good two years now, and I'm sick of hating my body image. Everyone tells me I look fine, but they aren't the ones who look in the mirror every day and see myself gaining weight as I speak. I use to be able to eat what I want when I wanted it, but it seems I've taken advantage of that and gained some weight. I'm looking to lose about 40 pounds. I want to be back to where I was in high school. I was always one of the thinner girls in school. I want that girl back! I also want to feel more comfortable going clothes shopping and fit into smaller clothes. I'm not a fan of seeing my size go from small/medium to large/extra large. Doesn't make me feel too great about myself. My boyfriend is in the same boat and it's great having a support system but sometimes we both fall, and when we fall we fall hard. I'm looking to stay on track no matter what! And more support from friends on here would be so great! I know it would help keep me more accountable and better on track. I'll always return the favor, so feel free to add me.

Ayla Lee


  • Lathrkay07
    Lathrkay07 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey! I'm in the same situation. I'm getting married in August and would love to lose 30 pounds by then. Everyone says that I look fine but I definitely don't feel the same! I could really use extra support and motivation to keep me from staying home on the cold winter days coming up! I'll add you and we can try to keep each other motivated!

  • nchaunte
    nchaunte Posts: 6 Member

    I'm in a similar boat as you all, the more support the better. I graduate in a few months and would love to shed at least 30 pounds beforehand (I'm down almost 20). If you don't mind, I will add you ladies and we can motivate one another!

    Na Kita
  • valarsen
    valarsen Posts: 21 Member
    I am in the same boat. Been struggling with this for long enough. It's time to pull it together and make the changes we want!! I would love some additional support and people to talk with about reaching our goals. I will add you guys and we can all motivate each other!
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like for motivation and support. :-)
  • Miicat
    Miicat Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm in a similar situation, looking to lose about the same amount as you! I found a wonderful lifestyle which is helping me lose weight much faster yet still in a healthy way. Add me I would love to help and support each other! <3