Spider veins. Will they go away?

Hey, all.

I'm 29 and have recently noticed "spider veins" showing up on my upper, outer thighs. A few days ago, I felt a weird, nagging pain in a quarter-sized area in my lower back, and when I looked in the mirror today, I had spider veins pop up there too. They're not bad, but at 29, I can't help but think of how I'll look in 10 years...or 20 years. Yikes! I am sooo self conscious about them right now. They have me feeling like an 80 year old woman!

Does anyone know if they'll go away with weight loss? Will they stop showing up, and will the ones I have now disappear?

I've had one little blue one on my leg since I was a kid, but others have joined it. Ugh. I'm so disappointed in myself.

I have a job that requires me to sit all day, but I try to get up and walk at least once an hour to keep my blood flowing. I also walk and ride my bike for exercise.

Anyone have any recommendations or anything else to say? :)


  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    As far as I know they do not go away. I have a few on my legs and it seems they have been there for ever and a day.

    My dr has recommended/suggested wearing compressions socks/hose to help the circulation
    Moving as much as possible (I'm at a desk job) and not crossing my legs for long periods of time

    They also offer laser therapy or Sclerotherapy (sp?) where they inject a solution in the vein which causes it to fade and disappear.

    a family member got hers stripped (they go in and remove the veins surgically) but hers were really bad. Raised and sticking out, It was to the point she couldnt shave.

    I know how much they suck! im contemplating the injections or laser for my legs