New New New

The last year of my life has been a challenge. I have been broken, sick, healed, rebroken, put up then put down. I have been successful and i have failed. I have lost so many during the worst year of my life. Its so easy for people to turb there backs and walk away.
It started with swelling... I swelled up starting at my ankles and it progressed arms and face and chest... i could feel my breathing being shorter. I went the ER and they said "maybe you have blood clots." And tried giving me blood thinners with no solid proof... i left the ER and refused treatment. I then went doctor who put me on dioretics and i watched the swelling slowly go away. I could breath again. This was in april after a sudden 45lb weight increase from january to april.
Then i walked for a challenge for work. 3.5 miles had me out of breath and bent over in pain. The smoking had to stop. And just like that i stopped smoking. This was in June. I am still smoke free. After that i started feeling better but the weight remained. The doctor had no answer so i turned to another who said i was over wieght and still doesnt know why i swelled.
In october, i did an advocare challenge and lost 13 lbs and 5 inches on my waist... then a week after the challenge my whole life came to pieces.
November 2nd (one month after starting advocare) my lymphnodes swelled and piercing pains traveled through my neck and ears. I went to my dr who foubd nothing but put me on amoxicillin to clear up and bacterial infection i might have. One day later i was in excrutiating pain. My body burned and my stomach and back had me curling in pain. I stopped taking amoxocilling and tried working through it. I assumed i had a bug... i cried and cried easting on cereal, oatmeal and rice. Then I stopped eating and drinking for 3 full days. In and out.of the ER and hearing so many excuses that it was anxiety or jist acid reflux... i was letting.myself fall apart and giving up. The pain was worse than giving.birth to my son. I went to a different ER who admited me to the hospital. The next two days they pumped me full of.fluids and and acid blockers. They told me it was gastritis and sent me home....
1month later i stopped eating gluten on my own and watched the weight melt off my body in one month. 28lbs since october. I have since had a scope and several tests done but still no rhyme or reason. I took myself off the protonix i was on the last 2.months... and my story still continues but i have lost some very dear friends who no.longer want to hear my story. I meed good friends for moral support and conversation to get me through this. I still have 40 more lbs to reach my goal weight... everyone needs some motivation and some true friends


  • sweetrach1982
    Add me will push each other to lose weight I had a baby 17 months ago. And I'm the worst at staying on my diet