reducing sugar intake, breaking bad habits help



  • Dessalena
    begum015 wrote: »
    I know they say fake sugar is bad...but I use it and if your trying to be good and get rid of sugar addiction...maybe go from white to brown...brown to agave... ??? I too am trying. ndj79 gave the best advise...don't cut anything...just moderation. I lose weight eating rice and long as you are within your calories. Once you are the weight you want, you should try to eat cleaner??? Stevia is so sweet that I don't even like real sugar stuff anymore...but it definitely makes it harder to quit sweets since its sweeter then sugar.

    I don't add sugar in my coffee, and most other things I make i do usually use brown sugar, or at least half brown to half whit. I do not like the artificial sweeteners. I occasionally use honey or agave in oatmeal to sweeten it. And yes, I am trying to be good and kick the sugar habit. I feel better without loads of it, but it is still a hard habit to break. I have thought about clean eating. I need to find a good balance.
  • Dessalena
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    I'm always over on my sugar from my fruit intake. I don't really pay attention to it. I used to drink my coffee with a tablespoon of sugar, (3 plus coffees a day, it adds up) so now I drink it black, because it doesn't fit my calories.
    And no, don't take advice from freelee the banana girl, while she an Durian rider are entertaining, do not take diet advice from YouTube nuts.

    I wish I could stand to drink it black. I was super picky as a kid and less picky as an adult...that is one thing I have not been able to do. I'm not even heading over to youtube to watch, so definitely won't be taking her advice. I wouldn't feel as bad about my sugar intake if it was more from fruit instead of added sugars in everything, but that is not the case here.

  • Dessalena
    OP, I am really glad that you realized that the way to fill up is not through hot chocolate in your coffee, but by better food choices throughout the day. That will keep you full and satisfied. Clearly I am not a perfect eater, otherwise I wouldn't be here, but I think anytime you can cut back on processed sugar is a good move. I like to sweeten my coffee a bit, too, so I know where you're coming from. I like the Natural Bliss creamer from Coffee Mate - all the flavors are good!

    I've had way too much processed sugar in the past, cutting back on it is one of my main goals.
    I currently use International Delight. I will look up the nutritional info for the Natural Bliss.