Any Funny/Scary Running Stories?

I was out running one very cold February morning in the dark and in a place that was a little remote. Anyways, a tall lean guy comes running towards me. Now, I'm short sighted but I'm sure he'd got his kit on as he approached me. He runs past me and a few seconds later I hear this 'thud, thud, thud'. I turn around and he's like naked! Well I was so shocked and then very annoyed. I walked towards him shaking my fist and said 'what the f**k do you think you're doing, get your f**king clothes on now! I think this took him somewhat by surprise and he backed off and said 'ok' I couldn't believe the anger that welled up inside me, who the hell did he think he was? I was fuming! Anyway he slunk off behind a bush and at that point I turned tail and ran. Usain Bolt had nothing on me, I was like flying!

One car came down the road and he practically ran me over before stopping, I don't blame him, I must have looked like a mad woman leaping up and down in the middle of the road. There were two guys in the car who offered me a lift but I decided I would be safer on my feet and carried on running. Got to our local police station and it was shut!! So I carried on until I got home. I rang the police. They went looking for him but he wasn't to be found. I also went looking for him once the daylight came as I was still fuming and I wanted to know what he thought he was doing!!

What did I learn from this experience.
1. Take my phone with me every time!
2. Don't run in remote areas in the dark and on my own!

Any scary/funny running story you want to share?


  • LoudmouthLee
    LoudmouthLee Posts: 358
    Training for my first 10k recently, I was running a 7 miler a week and change before the race. It was a particularly warm day in NYC, so I was in running shorts and a cotton T-Shirt.

    Midway through mile 4, I was stopped by a family.

    "You know you're bleeding, right?"


    "Your chest."

    I looked down and see that both of my nipples were rubbed so raw that they were actually bleeding through my shirt.

    I said thank you, and panicked for a few minutes, all the while still running my route. I ultimately finished my 7 miler, but learned the value of buying nipple lanolin.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    What did I learn from this experience.
    1. Take my phone with me every time!

    For pictures right? At least it wasn't a short fat guy.

    I don't have anything crazy happen other than the occasional skunk or animal sighting. Sunday I was running on a trial in a nature preserve and I was gaining on this small coyote. I thought to myself "That is a rather small coyote. Maybe it's a young one and I can get close and get a good picture." When I got close enough to see the short white-tipped tail and pointed ears there was no doubt that this coyote was actually a bobcat. Good kitty. I'll just stop here and let you run along. Don't scratch me.

    I did have a car follow me once early in the morning. It was going just barely faster than my pace and slowly gaining on me. It finally pulled up beside me and I looked over to see that it was a police car. I half expected him to roll the window down but he finally just drove off. Who knows? *shrugs*
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    So I can't think of anything right now, but I do have this fear that I'm going to be out for a run and discover a dead body in whatever body of water I'm running by.

    Now I do run by the Charles river in Boston. They find dead bodies there sometimes, a few this year already, but usually it's the crew teams that find those.

    I run by this other body of water though, close to where a student went missing. My sister and I, having decided that he must of been drunk and fell in the water, decided to stop running there. He was eventually found and by a runner. I went back to running on that path the next week.

    Really, can you imagine that? Being out for your normal morning run and finding a body? So yes, definitely take your cell phones, you never can guess what it might come in handy for.
  • RunsForFood
    RunsForFood Posts: 110 Member
    I don't have anything super funny/scary but on one of my regular routes a lab who sits out front of his house chases me and barks for a block or two. He is always close enough to get me but never does, I think he just likes the chase so I've learned I don't even have to speed up he just keeps pace with me! It makes me
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Now I do run by the Charles river in Boston. They find dead bodies there sometimes, a few this year already, but usually it's the crew teams that find those.
    I used to run the Cambridge side.

    Running by Davis Square (Somerville) I came down a street and a couple of big irish guys start running with me and kind of box me in to an alley. (More of a service path by the BofA) Said hey tubbs, know where we can have some fun?

    Well, I pulled my pistol (Always ran with one in MA), and said, I"m afraid for my life, don't force me to shoot. I don't know if it was the pistol, or the grin, but they bailed out.

    Saw them a week later at Joshua Tree and gave them a pat on the back and said, how you boys doing? Then went down to Redbones.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I had a dream last night that I was running. That in itself was scary!
  • IamDoe
    IamDoe Posts: 24
    Ok.... I have two.
    Today I finished week 5 day 3 of c25k. When I finished that 20 minute run, I looked up and saw an armadillo on the side of the road a little ahead of me. Apparently we were running together and I hadn't realized it. When I slowed, he slowed. He was my escort home. How funny is that? I credit it as a sign ;) God was with me, He saw me through this hurdle today.

    My funny/scary thing is.... I run at 5:30 in the morning... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out in the country. Field actually.. My dad lives next door. The joke is I have watched children of the corn so many times that I get really antsy when the corn grows. My dad has a hat like Jacob.. Yep.. He thought it would be funny to rattle the corn stalks and step out of the corn with that hat on.
  • bmstee03
    bmstee03 Posts: 119 Member
    I run in the country so I see a lot of animals. Most notably a wildcat - super scary. What was more frightening was my neighbor (this term is used loosely since they are about a mile away but the closest people) lets their bull mastiff run loose and he thinks I look delicious. After running for my life for several days I now drive into town and run at the park every day. I have made multiple requests for them to tie him up, but he still runs loose and eventually will meet his end on someone's car bumper.
  • runningbs
    runningbs Posts: 132 Member

    My headphones (I KNOW I KNOW!!) were up to loud so I didn't hear a pit bull running up behind me barking. I felt something warm on my right calf---HE JUST TOUCHED ME WITH HIS MOUTH--then ran off..
  • n_unocero
    n_unocero Posts: 445 Member

    I was running around the neighborhood and totally wiped out on the corner of literally the biggest intersection in the city....right before the light turned there were a **** ton of cars there. best part of the story was the song on my ipod when it happened...."knock you down" by keri hilson. so fitting.
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    Funny: I attempted to run with my boyfriend about 5 months ago. I tried to talk him into walking with me. He wanted to run. We just ran a mile and I probably only ran like 40 feet of that mile. On the way back I walked and he ran behind me trying to push me along. I must have looked like the devil when I screamed "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

    I did pick up and run back to the house (like 35 of the 40 total feet). I got inside, threw up, and lay in the bed in the fetal position until I passed out from exhaustion.

    And that is my experience with running.
  • 1duffwf
    1duffwf Posts: 76 Member
    OMG - the naked man story is funny and scary at the same time! Where I use to live we had a streaker who frequented the running path. I was always thinking I'd run into him and wondered what I would do.

    My story is just funny. I always take my pup with me with running - I have a heeler mix. She's a good running partner - I feel safe with her and she's good about keeping the same pace. She is a kind of quirky dog however. If her leash is on, but you aren't walking her, she won't move. To give myself free hands I put her leash in my pocket.

    Well one morning, about 5am, we were out running. I'm making good time and rocking out to a jam on my IPOD. All of a sudden I look down and my dog was GONE. I stop dead in my tracks and start looking around. Some distance back she's sitting there, still as can be under a street light. Her leash must of have fell out of my pocket, and she just sat down once she realized it. :laugh:

    Needless to say I started looping her leash around my waist after that.
  • 1duffwf
    1duffwf Posts: 76 Member
    Duplicate post
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I was out for a run one day, minding my own business, when I was attacked on the sidewalk by the most aggressive, angry duck I have ever met. It rushed at me, jabbed me with its beak, made quite a racket, and wouldn't quit. I know it was trying to be scary, but I couldn't stop laughing.