Ideas for Breakfast at my Desk

Time2Change42015 Posts: 25 Member
So I LOVE my bed. I am up, showered, make up done and dressed in 15 minutes. Whilst I know I could get up earlier and fit in breakfast I'm not prepared to sacrifice sleep time!

Plus by the time I have done my hour and a half commute I would be hungry by the time I got to the office anyway.

So, any ideas for breakfast I can have at my desk? Nothing that requires alot of prep and I have no cooking equipment in the office (bar hot water) though I can obviously take in cutlery etc I would rather not.

I was thinking stuff along the lines of porridge pots on the go? But any other ideas?


  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    Well I have cereal everyday at my desk and then a banana to snack on about an hour later. You could also hard boil a dozen eggs over the weekend and bring a couple to work with you.
  • Overnight oats..... I also like hard boiled eggs in the morning.
  • PaulaTJ44
    PaulaTJ44 Posts: 2 Member
    I do hard boiled eggs too. Another idea is fruit or a protein bar. Do you have a refrigerator at work? I keep extra yogurts in the refrigerator at work along with some granola at my desk that I can throw in the yogurt on days I don't eat breakfast at home or forget to pack a lunch.
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    I second overnight oats. You can set them up the night before and then just grab them out of your fridge. I also make smoothies ahead of time (I usually make enough for two-four since my husband will take them to work for a snack) and leave them in the fridge for the next day.

    If you want something hot, it's easy enough to make oatmeal with just hot water. You can either get the packets or get oats and make your own "mix."

    A smoothie wouldn't require cutlery.
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    I do smoothies and drink them on my way to work. If you have a microwave at work do make ahead bagel sandwiches.
  • heidiheidi87
    heidiheidi87 Posts: 2 Member
    Overnight oats, for sure. I also love smoothies and whatnot in my Nutribullet.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    If I eat carbs in the AM I'm hangry by 10am. To solve this, because of my distaste for hard boiled eggs (which if you like them they are very portable and do ahead), every Sunday I make enough Egg Muffins (Eggs/Egg Sub with veggies/meat/cheese) for 5 days. Put a pack of fully cooked sausage links and 2 of those muffins in a sandwich bag, shove them in the fridge. Every morning, grab one, get to work at 7am, microwave for 1 minute, cover with hot sauce, eat. I'm happy and awake until about 11:30 when I get lunch.

    I'm like you, I like to sleep too much. I eat at my desk every day. I've tried various things, this combo just works for me.
  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    edited December 2014
    I make Oatmeal or Egg Whites (both need a microwave, not sure if you have that.) I switch back and forth between the two. Sometimes I had an english muffin and turkey sausage with the eggs.
  • murphyocean
    murphyocean Posts: 39 Member
    Hey! I think that's a great question. IMO, I like to make myself a shake using a personal blender. A personal blender is super cheap (e.g., fifteen dollars or less) and can be bought at stores like Walmart or online.

    I like to buy fruits that are on sale and in season, prep them (e.g., cut them into 1 inch cubes), and place them in ziplock bags in the freezer. You can also just buy frozen fruit.

    Then, place a bit of frozen fruit of your preference, plain yogurt (Greek is the best; has more protein), milk/almond milk/water, etc. into your blender and press the start button until blended (e.g., about 45 seconds).

    The prep for making my morning shakes takes about 2-3 minutes total. The awesomeness of these shakes is that I can drink it while I'm driving to work/school, and/or doing other things for the next couple of hours.

    Good luck,
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Yogurts, granola, fruit, protein bars, hardboiled eggs, throw together a quick sandwich at home before you leave and take it with you. Dinner leftovers? Breakfast doesnt have to be 'breakfast food'.
  • Time2Change42015
    Time2Change42015 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas :-)

    Supermarkets seem to do loads of "breakfast bars" but I just never know how healthy these really are? I think hot water to make porridge/oatmeal may be the way to go. And I suppose fruit on its own is always a good bet.

    I want to get out this habit of skipping breakfast but it is hard when I love my bed so much!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Yogurt with granola
    Smoothie with hemp protein powder
    Cottage cheese
    Protein bar
    Protein shake
    Oatmeal with chia or flaxseed
    Hard boiled eggs
    English muffin with peanut butter
    Bagel with cream cheese
  • chesves
    chesves Posts: 224 Member
    I'm not a big breakfast eater either, but am trying to do better. My go to is a piece of fruit, and then an hour or so later a Greek yogurt. I also have enjoyed a piece of toast (I use low calorie bread) with peanut butter or apple butter jelly. A low calorie cheese stick is yummy too with a piece of fruit. I also don't like using many calories on breakfast so try to keep it very simple.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,046 Member
    I find the biggest key is to remember that the cvoncept of "breakfast food" was invented by breakfast food companies. There is nothing to stop you having a sandwich, soup, a piece of fritata, crispbreads with toppings, whatever you like for breakfast. I'm a big fan of individual fritata made in muffin pans because they are good hot or cold.
  • daisyverma
    daisyverma Posts: 234 Member
    overnight oats are so easy. I mix ingredients up in a container, keep overnight in fridge and then heat in the microwave when at work.
  • amphilion
    amphilion Posts: 89 Member
    overnights oats, easy to prepare the night before in a mason jar, practical and clean to eat at your desk. this link is great for overnight oats recipes!
    Smoothies are also a great option.
    Egg/spinach on english muffins, you can prepare a batch, and freeze them, pop them in the microwave and they are ready to eat -
    Pinterest has so many healthy ideas

    Good luck