Losing 100lbs, looking for support :)

This isn't my first time using MFP, but this is the first time i am reaching out to make friends. After a few fails attempts at losing my weight i figured the only thing i haven't tried is a support system.

I usually start out doing so well, but then something happens and i fall off the wagon. In that time i usually gain back all the weight i lost plus more. I want this time to be different. I have officially gained 100lbs and i am freaking out! This is by far the largest i have ever been and i want to stop before it gets worse.

If anyone wants to join up to support and be supported please let me know!


  • RosieLS1961
    Hi Stacielynn! I have 80 lbs. of fat to lose so I know the feeling. I'm new to MFP. Hopefully we can motivate each other.
  • kdsp2911
    kdsp2911 Posts: 170 Member
    Hello! I have over 100 to lose. Friend me if you'd like :)
  • cjenkins91
    cjenkins91 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi :) I have lost 12 lbs. and have 17 more to lose - you can friend me for support if you like. You always lose more if you have people there to keep you accountable :)

    Good luck!

  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    Same here, I got about 100 to lose. It is a painstaking and difficult process, but one that must be done to be healthy.
  • kristendube
    kristendube Posts: 37
    I also have a long way to go and have come a long way... add me please i could really use a freind on here going through the same fight... im an emotinal eater and i binge as well.. im working very hard at this and have lost 40lbs give or take a couple.. i have been struggling to find a balance with life, eating and working out,,, be my friend...lol
  • mfleeg
    mfleeg Posts: 137 Member
    I sent you a friend request....

    but i think we can all do this!!! I also am hoping to lose 100 pounds.

    I am trying to think of adding in mini fitness goals because when i look at it as 100pounds it just sounds so long and scary!
  • Mosley35
    Mosley35 Posts: 31 Member
    You can add me. I have over 100 I need to lose too. This is the biggest I have ever been and now I have pain I have never had before so I have to get better for me.
  • trudieobrien
    trudieobrien Posts: 10 Member
    hey ya'll I feel what your going thru, have dieted all my life and it never stuck, now I have found a fool proof way after going thru a pre-diabetes program for 16 weeks. IT'A ALL ABOUT THE FAT GRAMS, finally something made sense, fat gram are 9 calories if you stay within your fat gram goal you will lose weight, I was allowed 50 grams of fat a day for my 240 lbs, when I dropped below 215lbs I had to lower it to 42, still very doable, I eat chili dogs, hamburgers, crepes, steak fries etc, all modified. I don't feel i'm missing anything and am never hungry, I have 62 lbs to go and am sure I will get there in 6 mos time, don't let negative thoughts derail you and keep it up 1 step at a time , you can do it
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    I'm passing 70 lbs lost this week out of a total of about 110 lbs. Although I'm not out of the woods yet I already feel so much better. I encourage you to develop a plan, be patient, get the help of a nutrition expert (definitely not me) and reserve some compassion for yourself.
  • stacielynn67
    stacielynn67 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you all for the responses! It's going to be a long journey but i'm ready to start. It's always nice to know you aren't alone out there.
  • trudieobrien
    trudieobrien Posts: 10 Member
    awesome, way to go, you r so right, we must stop beating up on our selves, if we blow it one day, move on, and start fresh the next, I have 60 to go but it's been very easy now that I have the tools, keep it up!!
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    My goal is 100 lbs. Feel free to add me :)
  • kevinpruitt
    kevinpruitt Posts: 50 Member
    I've got over 100 lbs to lose total and would welcome new friends. Who wouldn't like more motivation and support as well as giving it back. Anyone can add me!
  • Rjohnsonjr32
    Rjohnsonjr32 Posts: 117
    Good luck to you Stacylynn, You can do this and you are truly not alone. I have 30lbs to lose myself for right now. I have about 75 overall to lose. I am just breaking it down to make it easier for me. You can friend me for support as well if you would like. This is my first time reaching out on here for friends and support as well. So far I have met some pretty cool people. Have fun with it and good luck again!
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    My first goal is 60 lbs to bring me down to 200 lbs... Less than I remember weighing since, well... I don't remember the last time the scale read 200 lbs. Maybe as a freshman in high school 14 years ago? :laugh: Overall, I hope to lose 75 lbs total, bringing me right around 175 lbs, which is the lowest weight I assume is healthy for my height and build (Though BMI is still above 25, :ohwell:) I'm active (almost) every day logging, anyone looking for encouragement feel free to add me, I try to dole out as much support as I can.
  • thenewshannon13
    Hi I'm new to MFP and wish to lose 80 pounds or more. I would love a good support system myself I have never tried an online tracking system and have always failed by myself. :sad: If you're interested in some support I would be glad to be encouragement as well as be encouraged too. :happy:
  • Lind140
    Lind140 Posts: 140 Member
    I've sent you an invitation to join our motivation group, Moving miles to lose pounds.
    It's different, a lot of fun, and has kept me on the straight road in exercise
    Good Luck!
  • YorkiepuddingBird
    Add me by all means... I have lots to lose but am planning on doing it in small stages and not starving myself... ast week was my first week and was wonderfully surprized that i lost 10lb!!

    Any of you can add me as i would also love friends on here xx :blushing:
  • mark_in_mo
    mark_in_mo Posts: 19
    Good luck and you can totally do this.
  • netti06
    netti06 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, like you I have tried so many different ways to lose weight but never tried a support system. I thought I would give it a try this time around. I also tend to do well for a period of time in which I lose a good amount of weight but then for whatever reason I stop and revert back to my old habits of overeating and not exercising. Of course I gain all the weight back and more. So feel free to add me. I would love to receive and give support. Maybe support and motivation is all we are missing as we have proven that we are capable of losing the weight it is just a matter of staying motivated and sticking with it and that's when support is needed. Good luck to you. We can all do this.