I will succeed!

Hello all :D

I'm 5'2'' and I am up to 243. In 2010-2011 I lost 70 pounds with weight watchers and I ran a half marathon and I was feeling great! I maintained it for awhile and then I got a new job. I had a crazy amount of stress at the new job and the weight slowly but surely crept back on, so now I am right back where I started.

I am going into this with the mindset that this is not a diet, this is a lifestyle change, and I need to get the strategies and tools to help me maintain once I do lose =)

I would love to friend people who have similar stats or are in the same boat as me!


  • tonetta51
    tonetta51 Posts: 22 Member
    I agree the mindset must be a lifestyle change. I retired last year and am busier than I ever was when I was working. My biggest problem is I love to eat. I have lost before and I know for me the only way to do it is to keep a daily journal of my food intake and exercise routines. That is why I am back after not being on here for 2 years. Hopefully we can share strategies.
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    I started my most recent efforts in September after concluding that my health and my age require this be for the rest of my days. For some reason, with this as a motivator (and an impending diagnosis I am trying to fend off) I have been successful so far. You can do this, but it must come from within. It's in you - tap it and enjoy the results. Once you start seeing progress, it gets a little easier. The first few weeks are the hardest. You can do this.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Great to have you join us on MFP, you've got a great attitude, it will take you far. :)