
What's everyones favorite sweeteners and what are the benefits/pros of using that sweetener compared to others?

I usually use Walmart brand sweet 'n low but I'm realizing that there are probably better options out there and I'd like to give the most beneficial and tasty ones a try.


  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    I don't use sweeteners on a daily basis, but when I bake I use non bone char sugar. Nothing inherently bad about artificial sweeteners, but they trigger my migraines. I have used Stevia in the past, but I wasn't a fan.
  • eric829_
    eric829_ Posts: 20 Member
    A few drops of Trader Joe's Stevia in my coffee or tea when at home. I use Splenda sparingly at work for coffee.

    I like the taste of both. I am low carbing so either work for me in small amounts.
  • DianePK
    DianePK Posts: 122 Member
    I drink diet sodas in place of snacking and they are help curb my hunger in the evenings. Many people are against diet soft drinks but it generally works for me.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    If you dont have a medical issue, I dont think it matters OP - other than the fact that sugar has calories and artificial sweeteners do not, so changing to artificial sweeteners can help keep your calories on target.
    Artificial sweeteners - I think just choose based on factors like taste preference, cost, etc - no health benifits with one vs the other.

    I dont use artificial sweeteners myself - on my breakfast cereal I use a small amount of sugar, and coffee I drink unsweetened.
    I do drink artificially sweetened soft drink sometimes - Pepsi Max, diet coke or coke zero - they all taste ok to me so I just drink whichever is available at the time.
  • lagrangefp
    I love Da Vinci Sugar Free syrups. They have zero everything. I get them from Netrition http://www2.netrition.com/davinci_syrups_page.html and add them to desserts as well as cottage cheese/yogurt/fruit. I don't eat any other sugar except natural sugar that is part of fruit. I get migraines but these syrups do not trigger them. I've been using them for years and will mourn if they ever stop making them.
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    I've been using saccharin (Sweet-n-low) for nearly 50 years. It's completely safe and the FDA removed all the adverse labeling years ago when they realized it was safe.
  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    Sweet leaf stevia, erythritol, small amount of liquid sucralose. Just ordered some powdered stevia from THM and I'm looking forward to trying it out.