It's time for ME.

sway218 Posts: 2
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone,

For many years, I have been slightly overweight. I am 26, 5' 5" and have always weighted between 145-152 lbs. I am by no means obese but enough to really slow me down and feel unhealthy all the time. I have never ever been confident about my body. I have many health issues that I am almost positive are all because of my lack of healthy eating and extra baggage. A year ago, I noticed my hair started to fall out, increased acne, ingrown hairs, and countless other little things. It was determined that it was poly cystic ovary syndrome and the only real way to help the symptoms is to take care of your body, work out, and eat healthy. WHY IS IT SO HARD?!?! I feel like with work and home life there is never any time and I know that is not an excuse. I love my husband dearly but he is one of those "eats all day and never gains a pound" type of people. His support is a constant "Then why don't you just do it?" I wish it was that easy....

I am hoping that this new year will bring on a healthier me. My goal weight is somewhere around 115 lbs. I am going to try and look at this as one step at a time. My first step is to remove greasy foods (my weakness) and control portions (my eyes never have failed how much food I can actually fit in my stomach...)

I have never sent a message on a message board and figured this would be the best one to be my first. I look forward to reading other success stories and hope to make one of my own soon.



  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hi Sway! Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • If you eat a lot of fried foods like chips (my favourites!) then get an air fryer! I got one a couple of months ago and you only use a tiny amount of olive oil and food tastes great!! honestly I even do my roast potatoes in it to reduce fat and I am thrilled cause I don't feel like I have given everything up!
  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    My hubby is very similar to yours, but one of the things that I have noticed about him and his family is a healthy attitude to food, I will clean my plate whether I want it all or not, he on the other hand will not eat that last bite if he doesn't want it. He will open a packet of chips but rather than eat them all lest they go stale he will have a few and then put the rest back. I am SLOWLY learning this skill but it seems to be a mainstay of those that are slimmer than I am.

    He is also a "if it has to be done just do it already" types. He absolutely doesn't get why I find it so very hard to haul myself out of bed in the morning to go for a run or to the gym (add to that he is a morning person and he just has no idea).

    One of the things that has really helped me is making an appointment in my calendar, I have a weekly plan that I stick to come hell or high-water and if for any reason I can't I have a backup plan also in my calendar. Blocks of time that I have set aside for fitness. These are planned out well in advance and warning is given to my husband about when and where so he can take the kids for me, although for the most part I keep my stuff to the morning so that I am able to get it done without needing him to come home on time from work.

    I am also attempting to use rewards for myself to ensure motivation. For the month of January it will be in iPod shuffle if I go 5 days a week for the entire month this is a huge reward for me but consistency has been hard over the last month between family visits and lots of travel. February I will probably reward myself with a new shirt or a new pair of pants, or possibly a couple of headbands (I have just discovered and am in love).
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Welcome Sway :) Great to have you join us! Lots of motivation and ppl to cheer you on here. :)

    Happy New Year 2015 birthday-party-blower.gif
  • sway218
    sway218 Posts: 2
    edited January 2015
    Wow! So many nice comments! For this being my first post ever on any site I am glad I went with this! I woke up this morning with my first portion control of cheerios and soy milk. Turns out its almost 1/3 of what I usually would have in the morning.... Reading all of your reply's this morning really put me in a great mood. Thank you so much!!

    gettinfitaus, LOVED your ideas!
    My hubby is very similar to yours, but one of the things that I have noticed about him and his family is a healthy attitude to food, I will clean my plate whether I want it all or not, he on the other hand will not eat that last bite if he doesn't want it. He will open a packet of chips but rather than eat them all lest they go stale he will have a few and then put the rest back. I am SLOWLY learning this skill but it seems to be a mainstay of those that are slimmer than I am.

    He is also a "if it has to be done just do it already" types. He absolutely doesn't get why I find it so very hard to haul myself out of bed in the morning to go for a run or to the gym (add to that he is a morning person and he just has no idea).

    One of the things that has really helped me is making an appointment in my calendar, I have a weekly plan that I stick to come hell or high-water and if for any reason I can't I have a backup plan also in my calendar. Blocks of time that I have set aside for fitness. These are planned out well in advance and warning is given to my husband about when and where so he can take the kids for me, although for the most part I keep my stuff to the morning so that I am able to get it done without needing him to come home on time from work.

    I am also attempting to use rewards for myself to ensure motivation. For the month of January it will be in iPod shuffle if I go 5 days a week for the entire month this is a huge reward for me but consistency has been hard over the last month between family visits and lots of travel. February I will probably reward myself with a new shirt or a new pair of pants, or possibly a couple of headbands (I have just discovered and am in love).