Zumba for big girls



  • Dianescraps
    Dianescraps Posts: 84
    I started taking a Zumba class at about 360 pounds. I just did as much as a could, really didn't have a problem with it. There were people of all sizes taking the class.
  • Filmval
    Filmval Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I absolutely love Zumba!!! I have a few of the "Zumba Fitness" DVDs that I can do from home - which totally works for me! When I was starting it, I was very self-conscious and I didn't want to go to a gym and take the class in fear that if I had to stop half way through I would be embarrassed! From the comfort of my own home, I could go at my own pace and stop if needed.

    I started doing Zumba about 7 months ago (prior to that I was doing Dance-Dance-Revolution!), and I was much heavier than I am now. But, let me tell you, I have lost a lot of weight from doing Zumba!!

    I have the "Complete Total Body Transformation System" DVD set, which has 4 different programs, so you can rotate the program you are doing!

    Best thing I ever did was get into Zumba, and I totally recommend getting into it. It is fun and beneficial!!!
    Good luck to you!!!
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    Zumba is the best. I personally would recommend going to the classes rather than DVD's. I started off doing Zumba for Wii and when I switched to live classes, it was the best thing and I fell in love. I do Zumba classes several times a week. Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best!
  • maisid
    maisid Posts: 69 Member
    As many others on here have already said, Zumba is for anyone. In our class we have big girls who have 70 lbs and more to lose like me, and we have the skinny tiny ones. How much you get out of it depends on your effort, are you moving in a moderate pace and just going from one side to the other? Or are you actually jumping the steps? The better you get the more effort you can put into it. I starting taking it slow and steady, but after half a year I am jumping the steps, which result in a great calorie burnage and an amazing workout. Just try it out, but give it a few weeks to get into the steps and the pace. I bet you will love it :D
  • flexdirectcpr
    flexdirectcpr Posts: 103 Member
    The 20 minute basic workout is a great start. It is included in the Zumba set. Watch the instructional parts a few times and get moving. I was not able to finish the 20 minute basic completely when I first started. But it did not take long to build my time and get the moves down. It does not matter if you do the moves just like the dancers on the DVD. Just keep moving. Nothing shrinks my waist like Zumba does. Good luck to you!
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    I started Zumba when i was 350+. I started with the game on Wii, and I hated it. Once I took an actual class I loved it. Now I can play on the Wii again because I get what is going on, and all the moves. A lot of the songs/moves are the exact same from the classes.
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm 5'4" and right now weigh 277. I went to the free Zumba class at the local library one time last year and nearly killed myself lol I absolutely loved it but it was really tough. Start slow, whatever you do!!!
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 176 Member
    When I use to go to zumba there was a man in class who was over 350 lbs. He did what he could and over time could do so much more, as with any exercise. I say go for it! You will love it!
  • I did Zumba once and it was a blast...at the time I was around 320lbs...I actually took a class at my local gym and was TERRIFIED of going in there and making a fool of myself in front of all these women in much better shape than I...however it wasn't like that at all the energy was great and by the end of it I wasn't worried about being this big girl doing zumba. It was a great workout...I sweat like a beast and felt so much energy afterwards....I've been wanting to get back to it its definitely something fun that can burn a lot of calories! just dont take it too seriously and have fun with it, who cares if you dont do the moves EXACTLY like they do any movement like that is going to help!
  • sugaree1202
    sugaree1202 Posts: 184 Member
    If you have a gaming system, Zumba Fitness and Zumba Core are pretty awesome. I personally like the music, routines and format of Zumba Core better - you can track your calories burned, progress, etc and create custom classes from your favorite routines. I lost serious inches doing Zumba a few years ago - it's a great way to start exercising because I was able to increase the amount of energy I put into the classes as my fitness level increased.
  • meglet175
    meglet175 Posts: 98
    I own both sets of Zumba DVDs and love them. I have been a gym member and a fitness instructor in the past, but with three kids and a busy schedule - and living now in a very small town - I find it easier to work out at home. I have a huge DVD library and us one almost every day - and it works well for me. Both sets of Zumba DVDs are good. You can look them up on amazon.com and read the reviews. You can keep the movements smaller and lower impact to start, but I don't see your size being a problem. Start slow and see how you feel - then ramp it up from there.

    What I love about Zumba is that it feels like a DANCE PARTY - not like a workout. I crank up the surround sound, get into the music, and shake it like no one's watching - because no one is! If you're self-conscious about how you look exercising, Zumba DVDs can be a great place to start. My inner dancing queen loves to Zumba - and having FUN while you exercise will keep you moving!
  • meglet175
    meglet175 Posts: 98
    Oh, and remember - even mistakes burn calories!
  • mkemmc6009
    mkemmc6009 Posts: 47
    I have recently started attending Zumba classes you can modify the movements to fit your level of ability, some people are rythemic walking while others are dancing, so I'd say yes zumba would work for you. Also I just tried an Aqua-Zumba class - it was great fun, and since you're in the water, no one can really see if you're an expert. There were grandmothers there as well as grade school age children with varying fitness levels. The workout seemed more low impact since the water adds some buoyancy, but the water also creates some resistance so it was a good workout as well. I have to agree with kid4239's post, classes with real live instructors add more motivation to your workout. DVDs work great as long as you're not tempted to turn them off and walk away, also a live class has a set time so you can't put off your workout to a later that never comes.
  • amber_michelle30
    amber_michelle30 Posts: 108 Member
    A lot of instructors will show lower impact moves until you start getting used to it...which doesn't take long. It's so much fun and look forward to doing it. Good luck:)
  • IzzyM210
    IzzyM210 Posts: 54 Member
    I don't know,reading these posts leaves me thinking its more of a coordination thing because I was horrible.For one,I'm not a dancer,ever. When I bought the DVD I foolishly thought it couldn't be that hard but It was for me.The DVD is collecting dust.If you are not shy,I would recommend you try a class first...thought that's not an option for me since I am ridiculously shy and awkward.I'm only 30 lbs lighter than you by the way.
  • deepuckett1
    deepuckett1 Posts: 48 Member
    I like the idea of visiting YouTube, its a great way to get a feel for the routines. Yes, there are always the few bouncy girls with no muscle fat .... but most attendees are there to do what you want. Work out, lose weight and have FUN! Having said that, find something that works for you, you'll stick with it longer and have great results. Good Luck my MFP friend.
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    Take a class, stand at the back if you're unsure of yourself. I dance like a true white girl, but I love it (and I'm a long way away from goal)

  • mlcantwell
    mlcantwell Posts: 243 Member
    i go to zumba with 40-50 people, most are women, some are small and very much in shape or can do all the moves, but lots are overweight (including me) and still picking up the moves but we try our best and thats what matters. Zumba is a very inclusive class, we cheer ourselves after every song as well (it's a little cheesy). :D
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
    I love Zumba!
  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    I agree on trying to find a class. Don't worry about anyone watching you - they all watch the instructor. Don't worry about doing the steps/movements perfectly. Have FUN. And don't be discouraged if you don't like the teacher/format. Everyone teaches a little differently. We have three instructors at our Y, and each teaches a little differently, so check around and see who you mesh with the best. The instructor should be able to show you low impact moves, or you could try a Gold class to see if you like it. Have a great time! There's nothing like working out with other people for the relationships you'll get to form and the fun atmosphere that Zumba creates.