Digestive Troubles.....HELP!!

Okay I think I have to accept the fact that I am one of "Those" people who need to have a Gluten Free diet......within almost minutes of eating....Pasta...Bread I now bloat out and I look like I am pregnant.....I see a specialist at the end of June which I have been waiting since April....I have had huge weight gain since this started happening in February......I have been told to try a Pro-Biotic before I eat.....has anyone else gone through this and have suggestions to help me out?

I know the obvious is not to eat it but sometimes your in a position that doesn't allow you to be choosy and I am not the kind of person to make people go out of their way:smile:

If you have any thought....Please Help!!!


  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    This isn't about being choosy - it's about your health. If there is something that is served to you that is causing you such discomfort, and weight gain, then you stop eating (and get to a doctor). THis isn't about being choosy, or not make people go out of their way.

    My nephew had to go cold turkey on wheat - and he did. He stopped all grains/ wheats (including GF), and eats chicken, wheat, tuna, hummus, salad and fruit (oh, he is also lactose intolerant!). And he is doing this in a dorm room. Easy? no. but you do what you gotta do.
  • dancerbyday
    dancerbyday Posts: 61
    I have a slight sensitivity to wheat, so I don't eat it anymore except on occasion. It was really hard at first, but after a month I got used to it, and now i don't crave it anymore. More people are wheat intolerant/sensitive than you would think. I'd say it's worth a shot. it will make you feel so much better. Also, if you just reeaaaalllly want a sandwich or a piece of toast, Udi's and Rudi's both make very good gluten-free bread. And you can substitute brown rice flour for regular in just about any recipe. Just decrease the flour by a couple tablespoons, and decrease the sugar as well as brown rice flour is much sweeter. It can even replace flour as a thickener! And lots of restaurants and fast food places are now offering gluten-free options, so it is much easier now!