How can I stay motivated with little family support?



  • manfred1953
    manfred1953 Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to add instead of thinking about losing another 184 pounds concentrate on losing the next ten pounds.When you achieve that goal set you sights on losing the next ten.see what I mean? It will take time but you will do it. Who are you losing the weight for? You or your family.DO IT FOR YOU and no one else.realize you are worth it.learn to have love for your self! If you respect YOU then others will do the same.
  • DvrDawg
    DvrDawg Posts: 88 Member
    I have the same issue -but, my wife does need to lose weight (HBP, Pre-Diabetic, etc). But, she is currently in denial. I have two college aged kids and one in elementary school. So, there is always junk food around. I use a trick that I learned in Basic Training - It is just a game to play each day; What will I be tempted with and how will I overcome it? Will it be Oreo cookies -how will I counter - an apple, yogurt, or a frozen weight watchers snack. Also, I do allow for one cheat day -exceed my calories by 500 -this allows me to eat that pizza they want to get. Feel free to add me and we can commiserate and overcome it!
  • noelkm67
    noelkm67 Posts: 118
    Take a look at this posted above posted above by suppakana.
  • Keeblerelfkin
    Keeblerelfkin Posts: 24 Member
    thank you for posting that noelkm67
    I do want to add this to my post my hubby and I went to the grocery store spent a ton of money and unknown to him (until we got home) we did not buy any "junk" food. A little victory for me. I did talk to him and hopefully I will be able to have a little more support on this long journey.
  • Chandler330
    Chandler330 Posts: 378 Member
    Congratulations on your success so far! I don't have a support system offline so my MFP friends have been a godsend. Having a great group of friends on here can make a huge difference and it's nice to have people cheering you on and there if you hit a rough patch. Feel free to add me :)