If you have a problem with DIETS do not read.



  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    Eat tissue and drink water. It will swell up and make you feel full. Smoke at least 2 packs of cigarettes a day, it will help curb your appettite. Finally, laxatives. Lots of laxatives. Sure it will be uncomfortable, but if you reach your goal it will be worth it.

  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    I have no problem with "diets" because I believe it is helpful for people to sometimes start off with a strong approach to get moving. I don't think I can hand you any plan that will really help you lose that much weight, but if you are willing to do it, I would say fill your plate with half veggies, 2/3 protein, and a smidge of healthy fats. one fruit a day, cut processed carbs and dairy out. You will lose some water weight and probably some real weight. But please know that depending on your weight/height, etc. if you want to lose so much weight so quickly you aren't necessarily losing weight that will make you look better (your body will eat your muscles which are what make you look toned and healthy)... I sometimes do 5/7 days of this type of eating to get back on track after say a four day weekend where I overdosed on beers and heavy foods, but its not permanent, and I would never suggest really cutting things out of your diet permanently....
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    In your profile pic you look really slim so I do not understand how different you are going to look down 7lbs?

    Let us suppose that you lose 1lb from each leg, 1lb from each arm, 1lb from your tummy, 1lb from you backside and 1lb from your back.

    Will it overall make much of a difference to the way you look?

    I think not...but I understand you think it will.

    IMO you would be better lifting weights and exercising for the time you have before your holiday to try to get a little definition to your shape if that is what you are hoping the 7lb loss will achieve.

    Good luck x
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    In for gifs.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I do ice cube cycling. Lost tons!

    Don`t you slip off the seat?
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Trying to lose 7 pounds in 25 days is unhealthy! I'm being positive because I'm telling you to be safe and healthy by not trying to lose 7 pounds in 25 days. yaaaaay *happy happy positive yay*
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    You are an absolutely gorgeous girl BTW. Who cares about the 7 lbs or whatever? Avoid too much salt and drink a ton of water, so that you're not bloated. Eat clean and reduce calories to around 1600 if you want. Go buy something cute. Go on your trip, enjoy being young and beautiful, and have a blast.

    I look back on my early twenties and think, honestly, what was I so insecure about? I should have enjoyed myself more.

    Annnnnnnd - this is by far the best advice yet.

    Totally agree. Seven pounds is too much work for too little of a visual change. If you wanna look sexy, ACT sexy, then - heads up - you're sexy. :P
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Trying to lose 7 pounds in 25 days is unhealthy! I'm being positive because I'm telling you to be safe and healthy by not trying to lose 7 pounds in 25 days. yaaaaay *happy happy positive yay*

    Well losing 2 lbs./week can be perfectly healthy. So 7 pounds in 25 days sounds doable in a healthy way, especially for someone just starting out.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Do a psmf type diet.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    You don't care how hard it is, but the last time you tried a plan you lasted 6 days. Good luck!

    I was going to say the same thing. I don't get it. :huh:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Hi I have no problem with diets. I don't think it's a lifestyle for me just a diet, a temporary situation that once corrected, I'll get more cals back during maintenance and eat normal meals. I'm not sure you can lose weight that fast. I do the slim fast plan as described except I eat back exercise cals and it comes out to approximately MFP goals and nearly TDEE stuff too. (hard to explain, don't shoot me).

    Anyway slim fast has a calculator and MFP has goals too. Did you try putting your goals in there to see if they are reasonable? Because if they are too fast there may not be a diet in the world that can help you reach a goal that is just not achieveable. Have you also considered that you may just want to strenghthen or build certain parts of your body that can give you the look you are after sooner? The shape I mean? Also have you considered whether playing with different clothing styles can help you get the illusion of a certain figure or shape?

    I mention these only because 7 lbs isn't really much in the grand scheme of things and so this makes me wonder if it's actually a certain shape or look you are targeting rather than a straight out numbers on the scale goal. Good luck figuring out what works for you. (pun intended) :flowerforyou:
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I think the general consensus here is.... workout more than half-assed 1 day/week and eat halfway decent. Personally, I thought the 30DS was kind of a joke as far as a supposed "hard core workout/weightloss regime" was concerned.... so if you can't even get through that..... *shrug* Good luck.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Hi I have no problem with diets. I don't think it's a lifestyle for me just a diet, a temporary situation that once corrected, I'll get more cals back during maintenance and eat normal meals. I'm not sure you can lose weight that fast. I do the slim fast plan as described except I eat back exercise cals and it comes out to approximately MFP goals and nearly TDEE stuff too. (hard to explain, don't shoot me).

    Anyway slim fast has a calculator and MFP has goals too. Did you try putting your goals in there to see if they are reasonable? Because if they are too fast there may not be a diet in the world that can help you reach a goal that is just not achieveable. Have you also considered that you may just want to strenghthen or build certain parts of your body that can give you the look you are after sooner? The shape I mean? Also have you considered whether playing with different clothing styles can help you get the illusion of a certain figure or shape?

    I mention these only because 7 lbs isn't really much in the grand scheme of things and so this makes me wonder if it's actually a certain shape or look you are targeting rather than a straight out numbers on the scale goal. Good luck figuring out what works for you. (pun intended) :flowerforyou:

    I'm a big fan of your new PP, and it gives a whole new meaning to your Username :heart:
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Eat more and eat clean - trust me. Go about 300 calories below your BMR. You'll need the extra calories or the intensity of your workouts will suffer.

    Lift weights - heavy - 2 or 3 times a week. And not the high repetition, low weight kind of workout. Do about 5 sets of each exercise for 5 - 8 reps at the highest weight you can safely maintain form at. Bump up your cardio to four hours a week, and make two of them interval training (1 minute as fast as you can go, 1 minute recovery. repeat). So you are essentially working out every day but giving your muscles a few days rest in between weight workouts, to minimize soreness.

    Doing the following made me lose 7 pounds, just under a pound a week after plateauing at 105 lbs. The hardest pounds to lose are the ones near goal. I also didn't feel much hunger because I was eating a lot of food - cold intolerance was the worst symptom and minimal.

    Also: macronutrients. Protein will make you feel full longer. Aim for a gram per pound of body weight. Slim Fast is full of simple sugars and not so high on the protein, so you'll probably get hungry pretty fast.

    Consider replacing it with a protein source around 100 calories (examples: whey protein powder, 4 oz chicken breast, 6 oz plain greek yogurt with splenda). Add a complex carb or piece of fruit for another 100 calories for 200 calorie mini - meal. Have several mini meals throughout the day.

    Did you mean 300 below TDEE??
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    So, OP, after all of this feedback, what do you plan to do in the next 25 days (that you haven't been doing during the *previous* 25 days)?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I suggest you grow up and realise nobody will give a crap about 7lbs, rather than knowingly doing something potentially dangerous to achieve some arbritrary measure on a piece of plastic with a screen.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    You don't care how hard it is, but the last time you tried a plan you lasted 6 days. Good luck!

    ^This. End thread.
    THICKandFIT Posts: 63 Member
    If you remove nearly all carbs from your diet (keep them below 20 grams per day) I can almost guarantee you'll lose more than those couple of pounds. You might not even have to work out to do so...

    Good luck!
  • shellbatronic
    shellbatronic Posts: 193
    So, to lift seven pounds, you would need about 210 good size 'normal' balloons.

    Alternatively, you can use 99 luftballons.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I do ice cube cycling. Lost tons!

    Don`t you slip off the seat?

    Bwah ha ha *tear*