Support needed!!!

Hi guys I'm 18 years old and I started my weight loss journey last April. Since then I have lost 20 pounds!! You guys are probably thinking that's not a lot in that time but for me it is! I started at 13stone and 5 pounds and now I'm 11 stone and 13 pounds. My goal is I want to lose 10 pounds by June! I have a part time job and I'm in school therefore I would like someone or anybody to take this journey with me! I really do need support and I can give it back! If you want to do this weight loss journey together I would appreciate it as it will definitely help me a lot!!


  • JessMcD86
    I'll add you (don't think I am a creeper - being 10 years older) ha ha ha, but I can definitely offer some support. We need people to help keep us going :smile:
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there,
    20lb is a great loss,you are kicking butt!! Keep up the brilliant determination and think just where you can be in 5-6 months time... Make 2015 your year!!

    You got this!!