
Hello Everyone,
I was wondering how many of you have done the P90X, how much you have been able to lose, and how hard it was to commit? I have the P90X system and I am desperate to lose 60 pounds and get back into the best shape of my life. I know that it works but I am looking to hear some real life experiences. Also what did you do about food? Let me know.
Thank you.


  • AndreaEIE
    AndreaEIE Posts: 33 Member
    I actually did two rounds of P-90X , and I loved it! Just like most workout programs, it will work but only if you stick to it. It will be difficult at first, but if you give your best to each workout, over time the exercises will become easier and you will begin to enjoy them more. I lost about thirty pounds, going from 165 to about 130. Not only did I lose weight, but I also became a lot stronger and more toned, so not all success can be measured by the scale. I did not follow the P-90X fitness guide, as I found a lot of the ingredients to be expensive and inaccessible for me. However, I did cut out certain foods, such as chips, crackers, soda, etc. I made sure to drink plenty of water everyday and eat lots of fruits and veggies.
    My main goal was to ensure that I was making a total lifestyle change and not just dieting and working out here and there, and I have been successful. I am in week 6 of P-90X3 now, my healthy eating is still going strong, and my weight tends to fluctuate from 125 - 130. The workouts are long and will force you to work hard, but I have found that if something is truly important to you, you will make time for it. I have never been this happy or healthy in my life, and I commend you for making the choice to improve your life and well-being. Good luck on your fitness journey! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • HockeyGoalie35
    HockeyGoalie35 Posts: 84 Member
    Tried p90x. Did the first day, the full workout, every set, kept up with the annoying guy.....and then the next morning found i tore my muscles so bad i couldnt work out for over a week. It's not a good beginners program or at least needs to be taken very slowly.
  • Jambalady
    Jambalady Posts: 155 Member
    I just purchased it and only did the first day, so I can't say. However, the first workout was ALL push-ups and pull-ups. and it was an hour long, plus abs, which is the 2nd DVD you are supposed to do, which is another 15 minutes. So, you need to be able to dedicate between 1-1.5 hours a day to complete it. Also, google the fit test. they recommend a certain minimum fitness level before you should even start the program. It is definitely not for someone who has never really exercised before or hasn't for a while.
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    I tried it for six weeks and then I got injured. I never really enjoyed most of it. My husband loves it, and has been doing it or P90X2 for years. He prefers P90X2 as it is shorter - more like 60 minutes per workout and allows a couple of rest days each week. I find Tony Horton to be both hilarious and annoying :)

    I lost a bit of weight while doing it, but the biggest thing I noticed was ab improvement. I had to modify all of the exercises in the Ab Ripper DVD at the start and after six week was able to do most of them unmodified.

    Overall, I'd say the chances of injury are high if you go from never or rarely exercising to trying to follow the program exactly.
  • egates1984
    egates1984 Posts: 33 Member
    My husband completed the program and lost 30 lbs without dieting. He could do all sorts of stuff he never could before too. Like go running or do 50 push-ups with our 6 year old sitting on his back, ect. He was a beginner before starting this program as well.
    I plan on making my way to P90X but have to start much slower since I just had a baby via c-section. I bought the new P90 and am going to start as soon as I get the okay.
    I say go ahead and do the program. Start slow and modify when you need to. Eventually you'll be able to keep up. Do the lean routine and it's not as crazy either. Good luck to you!!
  • jmg496
    jmg496 Posts: 1 Member
    If you do p90x make sure you do the first one. The other two and just silly and were made purely to make more money. P90x is good if you have little to no fitness experience but are still somewhat fit (if you only have less then 20 lbs to lose)
    The reason it works is because most people become really dedicated to the program. But you could easily go on the internet and find a strength program and do cardio and have BETTER results of you're dedicated. I would recommend a 5x5 program like stronglifts 5x5 or ICF 5x5 (I like this one better). Either way all that reallt matters is consist hard work. Good luck!
  • michaelseacat
    michaelseacat Posts: 2 Member
    The key to p90, p90x, p90x2, and p90x3 is to gradually work yourself into the routine. Do not try to keep up with Tony Horton. Injuries stem from trying to do every rep that he does. If you can, then you obviously do not need this work out. Remember, he does this for a living and he's been doing this for 25 plus years.. Your diet is key too. Eat a well balanced meal, use my fitness pal, and do the program at your pace. Warm up before every routine and cool down afterwards. Do the stretches. You'll be sore, no doubt, but work through it. If you're a beginner, try using the resistance bands. Good luck to you.
  • mamahafner
    mamahafner Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you everyone for all of the input. I appreciate it. ;)