Self Motivation Help

I am trying to learn how to self motivate myself to eat healthy, say no to certain foods, and to stick to my diet. Im doing the slim fast 3-2-1 diet which i lost 80 pounds in the past by doing, I just cant seem to get back on track. right now im 183 and I want to get to my goal weight of 150. Do you have any tips and advice? I could use some help please and thank you


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there Ashley,
    Firstly, welcome to MFP! You've taken the first step to making your healthy lifestyle change a whole load easier with the tools available (not least the forums, the members here ROCK and will certainly provide all the support you could wish for!!).

    It sounds like you have the right attitude to make your diet work for you, especially given your previous successes but I might suggest trying the MFP logging system. Simply logging and tracking what you eat, eating and drinking to the suggested calorie deficit, you might actually find that it is easier to keep a track on long term than the 3-2-1 diet. Making healthy lifestyle choices are a lot easier to maintain if its turned into more of a lifestyle choice than I diet.

    Other than that, I wish you the very best. If you give it 110% you will get the same in return!