i want to see 1200-1400 calorie diets!



  • vivacious_fox
    vivacious_fox Posts: 1 Member
    Wow, thanks to everyone that have their diaries open. I was looking for a way to stay motivated.... I've plateau'd at 139.5 wanting to lose another 9.5 to get to my ulimate goal and I know that it's been my eating that's been keeping me there. You guys have given me some good ideas, and maybe I'll make my diary public, the ultimate form of accountability!:smile:
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    My diary is open, feel free to look. I'm usually around the 1200 mark, although I went over yesterday.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    I eat turkey breast, chicken breast, rice, potatoes, all kinds of veggies, lots of fruit (i don't log a lot of that stuff though). I eat eggs, homemade low cal no sodium bread, light cream cheese, peanut butter.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    Sorry for this being so long but I'm pasting it from an e-mail I got from a nutritionist friend.

    The goal of the first week of the diet is to get your bodies into ketosis, which is when you are burning fatty acids for energy instead of burning carbs, which is what your body normally uses for energy. In order to do this, you will have to eat no more than 15 grams of carbs a day the first week of the diet. I am giving you both a range of 800-1200 calories a day for the first week, which i know is low, if you need more calories that is okay, just make sure they are only protein, and try to stay in that range as much as possible.

    Week one you will be staying away from:

    vegetables, salad, fruit, juice, candy, sugared breath mints/sugared gum, alcoholic beverages, biscuits, rice, pasta, cereal, macaroni, bread, desserts, french fries, and pizza. Basically if it is not a protein source you do not want to be eating it. Sugar free gum or mints is okay.

    I have a lot of charts made up that I could be sending to you both since they are more organized than this, but they do have all meats on them so I figured I would just inform you about the foods you eat.

    Week One you will be choosing from the following:

    Eggs - 75 calories per 1 whole egg (can be eaten any way)

    Egg Whites- If you buy the carton on the store, they are 30 calories per 1/4 cup, so if you eat 3/4 cups for breakfast, that would be 90 calories) If you eat them hard boiled by removing the yolks, they are 35 calories for 2

    Cottage Cheese - Fat Free - 1/4 cup = 35 calories, Low Fat - 1/4 cup = 55 calories. I recommend buying the 2% fat Snack size cottage cheese containers, they are 4oz and are 90 calories each, this way its quick and you dont have to measure it) It is a quick snack (One serving per day)

    Greek Yogurt - Chobani, 0% fat, plain. You want to stay away from any of the fruit, honey, or vanilla flavors. Some people do not mind plain yogurt, I however find it gross lol, so to make it taste good, I add 2 packets of splenda or truvia, and about 1 tablespoon of cinnamon. It is pretty good this way, and if you look at the back of the individual 6oz containers, you will see it is 100 calories. (one serving per day)

    You will see I put one serving per day for the cottage cheese and the greek yogurt, this is because both of these items offer a small amount of carbs per serving, but by having just one per day of each you will still be able to get into ketosis, as they are really the only foods you will be eating week one that have carbs.

    Low Fat String Cheese - You want to choose one that is either 50 or 60 calories, and has 1g of carb or less.

    Other than these foods, your only other options for week one are fish. You can have canned tuna or any canned fish, and then aside from that all fish is fine. All white fish and shellfish count as 35 calories per ounce, and salmon counts as 55 calories per ounce.

    so basically you will most likely be having fish for lunch and dinner and then one of the breakfast options I gave you for breakfast. If you eat veggie burgers, you can substitute those in for dinner, but you have to fit this into your carbohydrate count. Again you have 15 grams of carbs a day for week one, so on days you want to have veggie burgers for dinner, maybe you can substitute one of the dairy sources so you have more carbs to spare.

    To figure out the carbs for the veggie burgers, look at the total carb count on the back, and subtract the dietary fiber. This will give you the net carbs which count towards your carb count for the day.

    For example, if a veggie burger has 7 grams of carbs, but 5 grams of dietary fiber. Then it counts for 2 grams of your daily carb count

    Aside from this, you can have EAS Advantage Carb Control shakes. They sell them in most grocery stores by the protein bars and other protein shakes, or in the diabetes section of the store. The chocolate fudge one is really good and counts for 110 calories and 2 grams of net carbs.

    For condiments, anything that is carb/calorie free or low calorie

    Mustard, hot sauce without added sugar, salt, pepper, all seasonings without added sugar, lemon or lime juice, fat free broth, red or white wine vinegar, and Hellmans Low fat mayo is okay but only 1 tablespoon per day.

    You each want to be getting as close to 128 ounces (1 gallon) of water a day as possible. It does not have to be water but does have to be carb and calorie free. You can use water, seltzer, flavored seltzer, unsweetened iced tea, diet snapple, powerade zero, crystal light beverages.

    Coffee is okay but use splenda or stevia as a sweetner and if you like to add milk, I would use Almond Breeze Vanilla UNSWEETEND almond milk.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Look at my diary if you like. I'm usually around 1450 on avg, but have been as low as 1300 and as high as 1600.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    My diary is open. Please feel free to peruse it. You'll notice I don't always eat exactly 1200 or 1400. Mostly I just make sure I fit in that range somewhere. I also eat back most of the calories I burn during cardio or weight-training.
    If you're interested in talking a little more in-depth about it, please feel free to add me and we'll chat some more about it. Maybe we can swap ideas!

    Edit: In reading over the previous posts in the threat, I'd like to point out that I'm relatively short (5'3"ish) and I have a "small frame." I do have an active lifestyle, but I never feel like I'm cheating myself on the way I eat--either by not eating enough or by not eating delicious foods. I'm of the opinion that every meal should be a delight because there's more to food than simple nutrition.
  • Peni_Davidson
    Peni_Davidson Posts: 54 Member
    My diary is open, feel free to take a look.
  • joekleinert
    joekleinert Posts: 23 Member
    My diary is always open. 1200-1400 calories for going on 4 months. I eat a lot of protein.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Another 25 YO man who doesn't think anyone can survive on so little....
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    Reading through my own diary, boy am I Southern! :)

    Breakfast: 1 slice bacon, 2 scrambled eggs, coffee w/ half and half, strawberries
    Lunch: 4oz baked salmon, leftover cauliflower gratin (baked cauliflower+grape tomatoes+sour cream+cheddar), unsweet tea
    Snack: 1 babybel cheese
    Dinner: thin cut pork chop, 1cp steamed Swiss Chard w/pan sauteed sweet potato+chilli powder+sour cream, and blackberries+plain greek yogurt, water

    Total: 1,330 calories


    Breakfast: 2.5oz conecuh sausage, coffee w/ organic half and half
    Lunch: smoked pork rib(s), 1 1/2 cup steamed collards, unsweet tea
    Snack: 2 babybel cheeses
    Dinner: Grilled zucchini+yellow squash+onions, grilled flounder w/ lemon, 1/2cp strawberries w/greek yogurt + frozen kefir, water

    Total: 1,320 calories


    Breakfast: 1 slice bacon, 2 scrambled eggs, coffee w/ organic half and half
    Lunch: Tuna salad (albacore tuna, 1/4 small apple, celery, wickles [pickle relish+hot peppers], 1tbs sour cream+1/2 tbs mayo), leftover grilled zucchini+yellow squash+onions, unsweet tea
    Snack: Cozy Shack No Sugar Added Tapioca Pudding
    Dinner: baked sweet potato w/ chilli powder+ butter+ sour cream, 1 1/4cup steamed collards, center cut thin pork chop, water

    Total: 1,290 calories


    Breakfast: 1 slice bacon, 2 scrambled eggs, coffee w/ organic half and half
    Lunch: Leftover tuna salad+boiled egg, strawberries+blueberries, unsweet tea
    Snack: almonds+blueberries
    Dinner: Homemade chicken curry (chicken thigh+snow peas+yellow squash+grape tomatoes+pineapple chunks+seasonings), and frozen kefir(yogurt) w/ blackberries
    2nd Snack: Almonds

    Total: 1,325 calories


    Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, blackberries, coffee w/ organic half and half
    Lunch: Leftover homemade chicken curry
    Snack: babybel cheese
    Dinner: haven't decided yet...
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I end up there a lot.. my goal is higher.. unless i went out to eat.. then Ieat more. But diary is open.
  • lacquer_head
    lacquer_head Posts: 49 Member
    I have mine set for 1500. I usually have calories left over. I average about 1300, by the end of the week.
  • Seej
    Seej Posts: 7
    Just curious to what you eat on 1200-1400 calories? not here to bag on anyone but would like to see a 1200-1400calorie diary.

    When I'm trying to keep my calorie count low, here are some go-to foods

    -egg white omelet with green onion
    -salad with tomato, a little avocado, a touch of oil, and vinegar
    -chicken and vegetable soup
    -berry smoothie with almond milk and coconut water
    -roasted autumn squash, sweet potato, or brussel sprouts
    -raw almonds
    -raw vegetables (esp broccoli, carrots, and snap peas)
    -Greek yogurt
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    My diary is open. I'm employing 16-14 hour fasts every now and then, so that's why some days are low.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Be very careful of trying to make any suggestions or trying to be helpful, lest some big person like the above Mr Tank send you a nasty message, accusing you of being this and that, and totally missing the point of your intentions. Guess he was too gutless to post in in public, lest my friends tell him how totally wrong he is about my personality and intentions.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Be very careful of trying to make any suggestions or trying to be helpful, lest some big person like the above Mr Tank send you a nasty message, accusing you of being this and that, and totally missing the point of your intentions. Guess he was too gutless to post in in public, lest my friends tell him how totally wrong he is about my personality and intentions.

    I see nothing wrong with what you said he sounds like he is the one with issues lol
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    My diary is public. Feel free to browse. :)
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    I have mine set to about 1500 calories, but am often under that...(not including exercise calories). I've just made a few changes to help lower calorie intake. For example, I love pasta, but not I use shirataki noodles (a tofu noodle) and they are only 20 calories a serving. I also don't drink a lot of my calories. I do a breakfast shake (220 cals) and occasionally coconut water. Otherwise, just plain old tap water. I also try to season more with spices and herbs instead of oils and butters.

    I believe my diary is open too. You are welcome to look and/or add me.
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    My diary is open have a look at mine I eat anywhere from 1200 to 1500
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    yeah its equivalent to a 2000 to 2300 calorie diet for a guy..its actually alot of food...if u do it clean???? no problem:)