SAHM 6/7 - 6/13



  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Don't mind me - am in the post-long-weekend funk... nothing to say, just posting so that the thread stays in my topics list. As you were :wink:
  • blessdmomof4
    blessdmomof4 Posts: 125
    Hello ladies,
    Princess- so glad it was just an infection. Hope your daughters finger is OK! Sounds like a rough week! Prayers going up :smile:

    KatieM- yay on the inches!

    Trish - yay on the tankini!

    Stacey - yay on the move lol!

    Katie - good luck on the painting.

    I'm stuck again. I can't seem to stay away from sugar lately. I think I am going to have to cut it out again for a while to break the sweet habit. Anyone ever do a fruit fast/cleanse. I read a book once called Perfect Weight America and it had seasonal cleanses in it to detox. The summer cleanse was all fruit. I am thinking of giving it a whirl...

    I'm bored w/ my workouts lately. I've been running and walking on incline w/ weights and doing the circuit at my gym but I am bored. I think I might try doing a little biking. I don't really like it b/c it challenges me which means I should probably do it...
    I don't mind the eliptical but my toes always get numb after about 10 minutes and I don't like that.
    Speaking of numb I have so much Novocain in my mouth right now from a filling this afternoon that I'm not sure I'll be able to eat tonight lol. Not a bad thing I guess.

    Keep working're doing great!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Princess~So glad that it was just an infection! Even those can be very painful and not much fun at all. I hope your daughter's finger is okay.

    Stacey~Glad you got moved okay. Don't you just love it when your furniture or walls get dinged when moving. At least you have insurance for it.

    Katie~I do not envy you I HATE painting! Good for you jumping in there and doing it.

    Trish~I am going to have to try that one out I just happen to have both ingredients in my pantry.

    Melissa~Believe me I know the feeling on the challenge. My body was so used to the routes that I would bike that I had to push my self to do more difficult ones. It pays off though. Before I starting in with regular exercise 3 years ago I hadn't went on a good bike ride for about 7-8 years. Well I went straight to bike riding pulling a trailer and talk about a BUTT WHOOPING! I would literally come home and lay on the driveway because I couldn't move I was so tired. However my body was dropping the fat like crazy. I went from 43 1/16" waist to a 38", 45 7/8" hips to 37 3/4" and my weight I went from 170 to 163. That was from March '07-May'07. If I could have kept going I would have looked HOT by the end of the summer so happens that I found out shortly after that I was pregnant yet again. :laugh: I stopped exercising while I was pregnant because I was depressed and I just had NO energy to do anything. That is the smallest I have been in years and it felt GREAT! I suggest to anyone that has a bike go out and do it. You can switch up your route and I have not yet gotten bored with it. Just last night me and the friend ended up going on a 14 mile bike ride. The longest for me so far but my goal is to make it to my parent's house and back which will be about a 45 mile round trip.:tongue: I know you can do it. Just think of the great results that you will get by switching it up and doing something that your body isn't used to.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! It's been so busy around here. Today is the kids' last day of school. It's hard to believe that this afternoon, I'll have a rising 1st grader and a rising 2nd grader. :sad:

    I did it! I made another running "mini" goal! Two days in a row, I ran a quarter of a mile nonstop! :bigsmile:

    Stacey - Glad to hear your move went well and you're enjoying your new house!

    Trish - Yay tankini!

    Princess - I'm glad the lump was nothing serious. How is your daughter's finger?

    KatieM - Great job on the losses!! The weight going down does feel good, but the inches going down feels even better!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Stacey- I hate moving! But I love setting up in the new house. So much fun to organize everything and find new homes for things. Sorry about your table!

    Princess, I am glad to hear about your lump. Those are so scary! When my older kids were little, I was always so scared that they would do something like your little one did, but in their dresser drawers. They would always slam them in the drawers because when they closed them, they would lay their fingers over the top!

    Blessd- I go through the same thing with my workouts. I have to constantly change things up to keep from getting bored. With summertime upon us, there are so many opportunities to do outside things.

    Katie- I have been looking at bike trailers and wanting to get one. What kind do you have? I had one of the big plastic ones a few years back, and I swore that thing weighed 80 pounds. With 60 pounds of kid in it, I could barely ride on a flat surface. Does anybody know if they are safe for babies as young as 9 months? I don't want to damage her spine or something!

    I don't know if anything else has been posted since I started this post 8 hours ago, and am just getting back to it now. If so, I'm not ignoring you!

    Oh, and on the old thread, someone mentioned about living near Mount Joy. I am so sorry I cannot remember who wrote it to respond! But yes, I love going to Bube's!

    Had a butt kickin workout today. Thank goodness, because I decided yesterday to take some time for myself and paint while the baby napped. Well, she was a cranky monster the rest of the day, so I got no workout in since I couldn't even set her down. My bodybugg said I just broke 2100 cals for the day. Fortunately I did well with eating, though not with my water. I weigh in on Fridays, so I count on a good Wednesday to help that scale!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Thanks for all the congrats!

    Jessica~The bike trailers that I have a both Kidarooz designed by chariot. We bought them at Costco a few years ago. They weren't that bad of a price either right around $200/ea. When we were looking for some there was some that were $400+. This was the best deal that we could find. As far as putting your 9 month old in a trailer, I have a 9 month as well, I have used blankets to help hold him up and we have even buckled him into his infant carseat and then put him into the trailer. One of my really good friends said that her bike trailer came with some sort of insert for an infant but mine didn't and I really never looked for one. Good luck with the weigh in on Friday!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Missed a few days here but luckily things seem to be settling down. So after DD2 was on antibiotics and back to her normal self DD1 sprung a high fever and stopped eating much. So far we've been filling her with liquids. We went to the doc and he said she looked fine but had us give a urine sample. Got that in today so hopefully rule out anything and that she just has a virus. Her fever has been down for a couple days now so I'm hoping she was just sick. :P

    But at least I've managed to get my workouts in every day this week, been eating much better and dropped 2 pounds this so far! :) Got new glasses and contacts in today so I'm excited! :) Dusted the house and cleaned the bathrooms today along with a few loads of laundry so it was very productive.

    Melissa - Well done on the workout with weights! I don't know if I have enough guts to try that yet. Maybe when it cools off here. :P

    Melody - Eeek! Good luck on your busy week!

    Princess - Glad your lump was minor but poor baby! I hope she's doing okay! Does she need surgery or anything or just a cast or what?

    Mummaof2 - I agree with Katie....I have managed to change my habits and they were the worse! My tip: Change small things. I changed my snacks and substituted them with healthier ones, added more veggies etc. When I did one thing at a time I adjusted and then didn't "fall off the wagon" by trying to fix everything! :P

    Yay Melissa!

    Stacey - Yay on starting to settle in the new house! I'm so glad you and your family like it so far!

    Amy - congrats on the running! That's awesome! I'm hoping once it cools off here in the fall to start training for a half marathon. I run on my eliptical but I'll take it to the streets once it's no longer triple digits here. :P

    Well, it's time to eat some dinner, get the kids in bed and then take a shower! It's been a long day but very productive which feels good. I heard a quote once that says, "It's not what you do that makes you tired, it's what you don't do" So true! I feel so much better now that the house is back in order! :) Have a great night everyone!

  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I had a good week and am down 2.9 this week. That sounds better than it is though, since I was up 2.2 last week, LOL.

    Congrats on your 2 pounds Valma! Hope dd1 is feeling better soon!

    I am trying to get my motivation up to get moving and do a workout today. Just put the baby to sleep, but it's the older kids' last day of school, so it's a half day for them, and they'll be home in a half hour. I hate to be in the middle of a workout and then bombarded with questions and kids needing things.

    Katie thanks for the info on the bike trailer! I am looking at one on eBay that's $129 (new) with free shipping, made by InStep. I hate not being able to see the quality though on something like that before buying it. Plus that's a lot of money for us if it's not something I will use a lot!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Valerie~Way to go on the loss! I hope the daughter gets feeling better soon.

    Jessica~I looked up online to see what the instep ones look like and going off of those pics I wouldn't buy that one if fit was me they don't look as sturdy as the one that I got. I looked up the one I have and here is an image of the one I have just copy and paste the web address and it should take you right to it. and here is one from instep same thing just copy and paste Quick N EZ Bike Trailer.jpg. When I was looking up the instep images I realized why it was so familiar and why I didn't like it much. Our first bike trailer that we bought was an instep from Walmart and it was a piece! Poorly made and we didn't like the fact that if you wanted to use it as a stroller than you couldn't take the arm that attaches to the bike off. So you had a two foot extension on the front end of it. The material that it was made with was not the greatest very flimsy. I am not sure if that is just because it was Walmart and the bottom of line instep or if it is all instep. Since getting the Kidarooz though we have both loved them. We have had problems with the straps getting twisted up but for us that is easily fixed and the other problem that we had is because our daughter decided to put her foot out of the trailer (she wasn't sitting in it properly) and we have had problems with that one on the stroller mode since then because she bent something on it. I have pulled one of the all plastic ones (borrowed my sister's when we first starting biking 3 years ago) that one is a lot heavier than the one that we have now.

    Well I got to get going me and the children have decided to walk to the grocery store to pick up some things (it's a 2 mile round trip).
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    Tattood - Is there any way you can borrow one from someone just to test it out? I borrowed one from my Sister in law for a couple of days just to see if it was possible to ride. I ended up waiting a year before buying one because my then 11month old hated it and screamed solidly. I tried her the next year and she loved it! Oh and your legs etc will get used to it. When I first got mine I could only get about 1/2 a mile before having to turn around and go home, but now I can bike 16 miles with 2 toddlers in the back!

    Thanks everyone for your well wishes! We had to go in for 3yr old to have surgery to stitch her finger back on on weds. It was okay and I was calm because our whole church family was praying for us and I had peace about it. She was really good and the only really bad part was that I hadn't planned for eating. We weren't allowed to give her anything to eat or drink from her waking up until the operation, so I had breakfast, but then I couldn't eat anything until she went into theatre at 1pm (it would have been cruel to eat in front of her) and then she didn't get out of theatre and back to the ward until about 2.30pm. By this time I was soooo hungry that when I got a chance to get food I just ate those awful high calorie things. And I hadn't got to any of my exercise classes or was able to work up the motivation to do anything else. SO I have probably gained 3lb this week, but we will see. THere is still a weekend to correct the mistakes!

    GOtta run! See ya!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Jessica - Yay on losing the pounds! :) I love your signature....I may have to steal that to describe my little ones! :)

    Princess - I am so glad your daughter is doing okay! I've been praying for you and your daughter! It's always so nice to have a supportive church to help you through hard times.

    I have successfully waged war on our backyard. Since I have been doing everything around the house and all the landscaping in the front yard I was leaving the back to my hubby. But it was soooooooooo over run by weeds as tall as a person I could stand it no longer. So yesterday and today I seized the luck that the weather was under triple digits and pulled ALL the weeds in the back yard! All thats left is to take the weed whacker to the tall grass, trim the bushes and it will look so much better! Burned a ton of calories in the process. My hope is to get it under control and looking well trimmed and then over the winter start slowly adding to it and making it my own little haven. :) DD1 is feeling much better now, thank you for all the well wishes!

    I lost about 3 pounds this week so I'm stoked! Hopefully I will see this trend continue! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    Well done Valerie!!!! A fantastic loss!

    Its funny that you are happier when the weather is cooler, and over here we are wishing the weather would warm up a bit!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi girls! thanks for all the well wishes--and many right back out to you! surgery....wt glasses...lump that is nothing all are making great strides!

    we've gotten a lot unpacked and organized. still lots to do, but the list is much smaller. have also gotten in school time for the little ones. the boy has much lower concentration than i realized. but his realistic drawing (using a dry erase board) has skyrocketed in execution. so interesting to see what's developing when. dd1 is SO MUCH better. we changed her medication, and WOW. we have OUR GIRL back. she's been buried under the illness for so long....well, let's just say i am so grateful --as we say boruch hashem (blessed be g-d).

    also grateful that dh is home this weekend. and the kids are glad to have daddy around too.

    so all is well. and glad that all of you are making such progress! will chk back later!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Princess~Glad the daughter is doing better.

    Valerie~Way to go on the weight loss and the weeding. Your situation with yard work is so much like mine. I too had been hoping that the hubby would help out in the yard and had been leaving certain things to him but it didn't get done. So now I have to play catch up. The weeds aren't quite as tall as a person but the unwanted trees are popping up every where in the backyard and we need to get them under control.

    Stacey~Way to go on the unpacking that is a chore I always hate doing. Been living in the same place now for 3 1/2 yrs and there are some things that are still in boxes. Glad to hear that your daughter is doing better.

    Well as for me I have had a icky weekend with bits of good mixed in. It is my TOM. The first few days are awful! :grumble: Today I went to church we walked (it's not that far). By the time that we got there I could tell it was time for a new and I didn't bring any (stupid on my part) so the hubby had to go back for me! Needless to say it was not a very great time for me at church. But on the good part my oldest daughter is getting better at riding without training wheels and is begging to go on a family bike ride. Also the hubby will be starting his new job soon! YAY!!!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning!

    Princess - I'm sorry to hear your dd needed surgery, but I'm glad she's OK now.

    KatieM - Ugh! I can feel your pain on TOM yesterday.

    Stacey - Glad to hear the unpacking is going well!

    Friday evening I went running and actually ran 200 feet further! I calculated it out that I ran 0.28 of a mile! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'm getting there! I'm already making plans that if the kids can get up early enough and ride their scooters or (if they're good enough on them) their bikes to school with Tony. Then I can run to school to pick them up, and then be able to run at least part of the way back with them.

    I don't think I'm going to get much running in this week. We have Vacation Bible School at our church this week, and I'm the Director. So I need to be the 1st one here and the last one to leave. It's a fun one though. High Seas Expedition. Last night was the first night.