Anyone in Newbury, Berkshire, UK looking for a gym buddy?

Hi Guys-Well done to everyone making a personal weight loss goal this 2015! An ex gym bunny, I now find myself unfit and with little motivation to get back into the swing of exercise. The thought of excessive alcohol, burgers and chips used to make me cringe, but in the last year, now make me crave!!!! Sound familiar? I know that once I get into the swing of exercise, and see the weight start to come off, I know I will be back on the wagon! I originally had a gym buddy where we worked on free weights together 3 times a week and then did our own thing inbetween. This really worked for me and I saw a huge difference in my appearance. I'm not after being in the gym for hours-I just want to get in there, work hard and then go. If you are looking for the same thing, please get in touch! HNY :-)


  • SimonCypher
    SimonCypher Posts: 254 Member
    Shame I don't live in Newbury as I'd love a gym buddy too. I agree with what you say about alcohol and crappy food, also how once I've got the gym bug again I'll be back on the wagon. I'm going to hit the gym tomorrow for the first time in months. Give it a week and I'll be back in the swing of things. Partaking in 'Dry January' too so not drinking will be good. I hope you manage to find a gym buddy and good luck on your journey, :smile:
  • MissMoneyPenny656
    MissMoneyPenny656 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi SimonCypher-Thanks for your message. I think our views are the same as millions of others to be fair! Great news about the dry January - You're far more committed than myself :-) I start my eating and exercise regime today. I'm looking forward to it! Stay in touch and let me know how you get on. Maybe you can give me inspiration to quit alcohol too :-)
  • SimonCypher
    SimonCypher Posts: 254 Member
    I drink far too much and not only does it mean my waistline is growing but my bank balance is shrinking, lol! I'll definitely stay in touch and we'll both share as to how we're getting on.
  • heidibannister
    heidibannister Posts: 22 Member
    I am in Twyford so not that far but too far to train together but happy to keep in touch on here and try to help each other. I certainly need someone to remind me to stay in check. I used to do a lot of exercise but work has sadly taken over and I always struggle to get to a class or the gym but I have to lose some weight as my ski pants don't fit!!
  • mobaypop
    I'm in Swindon, Wiltshire. Again not that far but too far to train together. I've been going to
    DW Fitness 3 or 4 times a week for a year now and love it.
  • MissMoneyPenny656
    MissMoneyPenny656 Posts: 11 Member
    Heidibannister and mobaypop - Would love to add you guys as friends to be able to support eachother but for some reason I am unable to do a friends request-Be sure to add me if you this this :-)
  • GeorgeForeman0
    Hey buddy,don't worry at all, its never been too late to start exercising. Start your workout now,with a proper time table for workouts and diet. And if you want a gym buddy, without wasting your crucial time, please check out here, you will get all your problems solved. You will definitely find a perfect match for your workout routine.
  • emsthatch79
    emsthatch79 Posts: 2 Member

    Are you still looking for a gym buddy?

    I'm 3 miles ish from newbury. :)
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Shame I'm not in Newbury as I could do with a gym buddy too! I currently 'go it alone' which has worked so far but can get a little lonely! I'm in Surrey :(!

    Wishing you the best of luck and hope you find getting back in to the swing of things nice and easy!