Women lifting heavy question



  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    For what it is worth, I lift heavy two days a week (M and F) and do a class for endurance on W. In between I do moderate cardio on Tuesday and Thursday. I am still eating at a deficit and have lost a lot of weight and lots of BF following this schedule, but only added moderate muscle mass in the very beginning (~5-7 lbs.).

    Do you find you are getting stronger?
    This is sort of what I was thinking of maybe doing, if I can manage to fit it all in...lol Do you rest on weekends?

    Yes, slowly adding weight during both heavy lifting and endurance sessions. I generally don't go to the gym on weekends, but sometimes do a small amount of cardio (bike or run) outside.
  • SpazQ
    SpazQ Posts: 104
    I am sure I am going to get me some nasty remarks for this...lol. But for ME, and my preference, this is just a TINY bit too bulky.


    This won't happen without an extreme amount of effort and very careful (bulk and cut cycles) diet.

    ^^This, also keep in mind that this woman probably competes, is show-ready in this picture and is flexing. On a normal day, outside of competition, not even she looks like this. Never mind, that this is a professional photo, likely photo-shopped a bit.
