Needed support

I am "returning" to FitnessPal. Need all the encouragement and support I can find. Please feel free to add me so we can push each other along this journey.


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Johnstonlin - Welcome back to MFP - yep its hard to do "it" again. I know - and I'm sort of a full timer here and I'm still fighting as well. May I suggest you go to the Main Page for Forums, go to either the FITNESS tab and go to a sport Discussion you enjoy and click on it, and join in the chat there or on the Main Page go to the SUPPORT AND MOTIVATION tab and look for a Discussion that is talking about losing the same amount of weight you are looking to lose and join that Discussion. You can join as many Discussions as you can handle :) that way you are able to drop into a Discussion when you need to avoid the "hunger pangs" that are bothering you when you're home, hungry, and have nothing to do.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome!!!!! It looks like you've beat some tough battles already, so You've Got This - its "Only" weight!!! you beat Cancer! you can retrain to eat well and exercise!

    Happy to help if I can .