Looking for Supportive Friends

2gabbee Posts: 374 Member
Looking for supportive positive thinking, friends who like me are making themselves a priority in 2015. Need to get myself back on track toward my goal weight. I'm an emotional eater who needs help in tips, meal planning in keeping the weight off, & what exercise routines others are using. I need variety or get bored easily. My dogs keep me motivated to get me outdoors walking. Would love to connect with anyone else who wants accountability without being over critical in the mistakes I/We may make. Together we Will get to our goals!


  • Hello there. I'm looking for someone to support me and keep me motivated.
  • Maybe we can help each other along our journey
  • ens102
    ens102 Posts: 37 Member
    I have lost weight before but have managed to slip back to (almost) my starting weight, I love pilates and used to really enjoy body pump but need to start a bit more gently this time as I have hurt my back (stops me exercising, makes me sad and want to eat - not very helpful). Would love a bit of mutual support.
  • 2gabbee
    2gabbee Posts: 374 Member
    Friend request me for those I haven't gotten in touch with . With all the new postings hate to lose you in the midst of them all.