Insanity workout

Hi everyone!!

I'm 23 yrs old and weigh 117 (as of this morning) and I'm about 4'10. I tried starting insanity this past Monday with the fit test but couldn't get through due to fatigue and lack of warm up. I was able to complete the fit test with decent results but the real challenge are the 45 min workouts. I'm having a hard time doing them without taking a break and reds the end of a workout I end up resting through one of the exercises (like the push-ups or a jumping exercise) and I do try to do the last 5 sec of the exercise. I will say that from warm up to end stretching I am sweating and my hr is up. The reason I stop is usually because my chest is getting a little tight or fatigue. Just wondering if anyone else started out the same way and if they improved over time?


  • kelli702
    kelli702 Posts: 8
    Hey Maggie!

    I am also 23 and am on my second round of Insanity right now! I will totally admit that I felt the same way you do when I first started it. I had always been a runner and thought I would be just fine making it through the workouts. I was so wrong! The great thing about Insanity is that you can do it at YOUR pace. Don't worry about how you think you should be performing, focus on the small improvements everyday. The best thing you can do is to stick with it. If you have to skip one of the exercises don't sweat it. The program is all about YOUR results. I can guarantee that by the end of just your first month your body will feel so much better! I am always looking for some 'workout buddies' for motivation and inspiration! Feel free to find me on Facebook if you are interested in working together! My name is Kelli Mencke. Just remember, keep up with your workouts and you will feel so great just for being able to finish! It's all about YOU!