a question for the ladies

Ladies, I need your expertise.

How important is men's overall body!! size to you?

Do you prefer a somewhat skinny, yet really lean and toned body, or are you more into shirt-popping, bulky guys? Or something in between?

Just wondering how much opinions differ here. Thanks.


  • loveliftlaughxo
    loveliftlaughxo Posts: 72 Member
    Personally never really cared up until I started lifting. Now I find bigger, bulky, muscular guys more attractive..Probably because I have respect for them achieving that look and know how much effort went into getting there now that I've gotten into lifting myself.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    No shirt-popping, thank you. Just healthy and active with a nice smile.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Honestly body size doesn't matter much to me, aside from checking a dude out from afar purposes.

    But for the sake of your post, I like a body that's big - and not necessarily bulky or muscular. Just big in that a hug envelopes me and makes me feel safe/secure.
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    I couldn't care less.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Personally, I like larger than average, not skinny, but you'll find opinions from one end of the scale to the other. So, bottom line is do what makes you happy, and the right girl will be attracted (and if she is really the right girl it won't matter what you look like).
  • ZenDoggie
    ZenDoggie Posts: 74 Member
    Honestly body size doesn't matter much to me, aside from checking a dude out from afar purposes.

    But for the sake of your post, I like a body that's big - and not necessarily bulky or muscular. Just big in that a hug envelopes me and makes me feel safe/secure.

    Couldn't agree more....My husband is a big strong safe teddy bear and I love it!!
  • donnysoule
    donnysoule Posts: 1,185 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    Personally, I like larger than average, not skinny, but you'll find opinions from one end of the scale to the other. So, bottom line is do what makes you happy, and the right girl will be attracted (and if she is really the right girl it won't matter what you look like).
    so, what you're saying is, I should hit the gym hard every day no matter how much pain and physical anguish it causes me? Because, God know, I've been looking for the wrong girl my whole life ;-)

  • Zwible
    Zwible Posts: 57
    donnysoule wrote: »
    deksgrl wrote: »
    Personally, I like larger than average, not skinny, but you'll find opinions from one end of the scale to the other. So, bottom line is do what makes you happy, and the right girl will be attracted (and if she is really the right girl it won't matter what you look like).
    so, what you're saying is, I should hit the gym hard every day no matter how much pain and physical anguish it causes me? Because, God know, I've been looking for the wrong girl my whole life ;-)

    ...all the pain in vain :)

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    donnysoule wrote: »
    deksgrl wrote: »
    Personally, I like larger than average, not skinny, but you'll find opinions from one end of the scale to the other. So, bottom line is do what makes you happy, and the right girl will be attracted (and if she is really the right girl it won't matter what you look like).
    so, what you're saying is, I should hit the gym hard every day no matter how much pain and physical anguish it causes me? Because, God know, I've been looking for the wrong girl my whole life ;-)

    As long as you don't skip leg day, that's the important thing.

  • ZenDoggie
    ZenDoggie Posts: 74 Member
    Insecurity is defiantly not attractive.
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    Insecurity is defiantly not attractive.

    Why is it defiant?
  • eliseh23
    eliseh23 Posts: 120
    It does not matter to me, honestly. If I like someone, I just like that person :)... But I seem most attracted to skinnier guys or average guys, but that's just my experience so far. I'm not sure if it's a pattern :D
  • ZenDoggie
    ZenDoggie Posts: 74 Member
    edited January 2015
    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    Insecurity is defiantly not attractive.

    Why is it defiant?

    Oops I meant definantly..... Stupid auto type...
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    Insecurity is defiantly not attractive.

    Why is it defiant?

    Oops I ment definantly..... Stupid auto type...

    <3<3<3 Definite, like not infinite.

    I mean well, I swear. I misspell the common stuff too.
  • Zwible
    Zwible Posts: 57
    edited January 2015
    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    Insecurity is defiantly not attractive.

    Why is it defiant?

    Oops I ment definantly..... Stupid auto type...

    <3<3<3 Definite, like not infinite.

    I mean well, I swear. I misspell the common stuff too.

    ... or is it indefinite :)
  • ZenDoggie
    ZenDoggie Posts: 74 Member
    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    Insecurity is defiantly not attractive.

    Why is it defiant?

    Oops I ment definantly..... Stupid auto type...

    <3<3<3 Definite, like not infinite.

    I mean well, I swear. I misspell the common stuff too.

    Spelling is not my strength.. BTW... Are you a Birder or just thought the name way cute?
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    LutzMol wrote: »
    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    Insecurity is defiantly not attractive.

    Why is it defiant?

    Oops I ment definantly..... Stupid auto type...

    <3<3<3 Definite, like not infinite.

    I mean well, I swear. I misspell the common stuff too.

    ... or is it indefinite :)


    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    ZenDoggie wrote: »
    Insecurity is defiantly not attractive.

    Why is it defiant?

    Oops I ment definantly..... Stupid auto type...

    <3<3<3 Definite, like not infinite.

    I mean well, I swear. I misspell the common stuff too.

    Spelling is not my strength.. BTW... Are you a Birder or just thought the name way cute?

    I have no idea what a Birder is! Is it...a fan of birds and bird watching?

    It's from a haiku I liked.

    Furious flutter/awakened hummingbird heart/hello, hello love.
  • Zwible
    Zwible Posts: 57
    what is a birder?
  • ZenDoggie
    ZenDoggie Posts: 74 Member
  • CooperSprings
    CooperSprings Posts: 754 Member
    An ideal body type?
    A man with some muscle is enough. A man with a lot is good, too.
    Muscle in general shows effort, ability, and power.
    If he has extra weight but you can see strong calf muscles or strong arms then it's all good.
    Personally, I'm way more worried about integrity and personality in a man.