Back again

Lost 24 kilo's and have now regained 10 kilo's so back again !!
Why oh why did I let this happen, how do you stop yourself from comfort eating I know I do it and just can't seem to stop.


  • Kiyalynn
    Kiyalynn Posts: 128 Member
    Hello, Welcome back!... I'm also back to this site again for the new year! I gained a bunch of baby weight and then was hungry, and dealing with a baby so I just ate and ended up at my highest weight ever.
  • junebugmoss
    junebugmoss Posts: 11 Member
    Hello poochen, I am back again too. I am determined to do it this time, I have to. I am a caretaker, and I take care of everyone but myself, this year I have to put my self up front too, not last. When you figure out how to stop comfort eating let me know, I also do the same. I think in stead of putting something in my mouth to appease myself, I will walk to the mirror, and say " Do you really want that" And see if that helps any. I will keep trying until I get this right!