This will not be another 2 day new years resolution!

abbystewart319 Posts: 5
edited November 9 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all! First OFFICIAL day! Signed up a year ago yesterday and had my second visit TODAY. :)

I am totally loving the calorie counter. Who new a banana had 105 calories!? I sure as heck didn't!

I started my journey with you all, and I look forward to making new friends and helping each other out.

"What are you going to do to make your life better TODAY?"

I love that quote. Just think about it. What is ONE thing you can do to make TODAY (not tomorrow, not next week) better?

For me, it was not eating the doughnut and cookies placed in front of me at work. I totally did it! ALL BY MYSELF! I may try to do one more thing to make my life better TODAY! And I can not wait until tomorrow to find out what I will do to make my life better! (But lets just worry about this one day at a time)



  • determined_ella
    determined_ella Posts: 4,354 Member
    Hey, I too joined a while ago ( 2 years ) and is my second visit as I'm looking forward to using the calorie counter, and was unaware a banana had that many calories! I will think twice next time i go for a second one ha! no doubt this counter will shock us into exactly how many calories we have previously ate ( dread to think ) and well done on the avoiding temptation! I wish you luck on your journey ahead :smiley:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,032 Member
    Welll this is great that you two met here on a 2nd visit! Makes me smile... it's a small world after all :) Welcome to both of you, make a promise to yourself your 3rd visit back won't be so long coming. ;)
  • Welcome!! I hope all of us will be successful!!
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