Let's Get this Party Started ;)

Gotchawmntoo Posts: 5 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I'm sure my story is not unique but just to introduce myself; I'm Gerri. I'll be 40 in April. Separated in June, but after 10 years of an unhealthy marriage and two kids later it is obvious I have seriously neglected my health.

I have always been a curvy girl but active. I am trying to get back to the healthy me. I want my boys to see that size doesn't matter; activity level does. I whole-heartedly believe this. I have 100+ pounds to loose and am just getting started, again. :) Positive support and encouragement is appreciated. I work full time and am a mom. Because of my profession and personality I do best with straightforward talk. Limited coddling is required for this girl :)

Thanks Much!
