23 yr old female looking for weightloss friends :) please open

edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all...I have visited this site numerous times. I have always given up and deleted my account and pretty much felt sorry for myself..not this time. I just turned 23 December 28 and I am so miserable. Most 23 year olds are partying, going out, having fun, living life and I am pretty much a grandma cause I eat, sleep, and go to work (no offense to the hip grannies out there, I know ya'll exist) :smiley: Anyways I am 23, 5'8 and currently 230lbs..I would like to be at least 160 (give or take) so a 70lb loss is my goal.

A little history goes back to this: I was a cheerleader in HS and also on dance team..while I was chunky then, I wasn't severely overweight and had some confidence. I went from a size 10 to 14. I still have all of my size 10 clothes and I want to get back into them. I have no confidence now, wear sweats, bball shorts, oversized shirts and hoodies because that is the only way I am comfy and feel beautiful :( I am tired of feeling this way. All of my thinner friends go out and have a blast and I just hide out in my apartment and sulk. I am a student, but I take online classes because I am embarrassed to literally go on campus because of my weight. I also work FT but I work with adults with disabilities and obviously they don't judge me the way a different crowd would so I feel comfortable there. I just really need some friends (that I can get to know personally on MFP) that will cheer me on and I can do vice versa.

I do have a wonderful boyfriend who supports me, but he is naturally thin/fit. 5'9 and weighs 160. He is athletic and I feel terrible when he always asks if I want to go out with friends and I say no, so he ends up going alone. I am really just self conscious, depressed, and I don't wear "cute" clothes making me feel even more depressed. Come on, someone befriend me, and I personally would rather adds from people that have a smaller group of friends so I know that we are actually rooting eachother on in a personal matter and not someone just looking to make their friend list grow and post generic comments :)

Thanks for reading. Also please send a message with your request


  • cazziecoo
    cazziecoo Posts: 29 Member
    HEYYY :) my situation is quite similar to yours! I am also 23 and have a few more to lose (32lbs until my goal) I live with my boyfriend and feel a bit of a granny too at times! I am guessing you are from the US? I live in the UK but it would still be awesome to have a buddy to support and lose weight with! Add me as a friend if you like :)
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I started out at 230 also (I'm 5'8") and I'm down 65 lbs sofar with about 25 more to go. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • MonicaM0801
    MonicaM0801 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! Happy New year to you both.I feel as I am facing the Sam struggles as the two of you. I am 28 yes old and use to be very athletic. These daysI do not seem to be as active as I used to be. In the past ten years I have been every size between a 3 an 14 where I currently am. My goal is to look about 65 lbs. I am just looking for some extra support. My boyfriend is supportive but he also thinks I am perfect the way I am andi do not need to loose weight. Hope we can be each others needed support :)
  • mwlewis61
    mwlewis61 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Happinessawaitsme,

    First of all, let me say, that you are a very beautiful girl. I can definitely understand how being overweight gets you down (I've been that way too), but try not to let it get you down so much that you can't enjoy life while you're young. Unfortunately, you can't get those days back. We all need motivation at times and I would be glad to have you as a friend (more like a daughter, since I'm over twice your age :smiley: ) and help to motivate you. I started a group earlier today and have about eight friends so far. I'm looking to keep it around 10 (if you have too many, you can't keep track), so that I can keep it personal. If you would rather stay with someone in your own age group, I totally understand; but wanted to extend the invitation anyway. Good luck on your "healthy" life journey!!!
  • I know how you feel. My husband is incredibly fit and I can barely walk without being out of breath! I friended you! :smiley:
  • ephraimshere
    ephraimshere Posts: 15 Member
    I'd love to be part of the support !
  • You can add me as well! Looking for accountability partners! I workout 6-7 days a week, mostly Insanity But sometimes I fail. And I love alcohol! Haha I'm current eating 1200 k a day But I think I'm eating the wrong things. I started Shakeology 3 days ago and hope this helps. I've made some New rules for myself and plan to stick to them. I'm an ol SOUTHERN girl so my eating can be a bit heavy. ;)

    Starting February I'm going to be a Beachbody Coach! I'm starting for me, and hope by the end of 2015 can form challenge groups and a team! I weigh 160 at 5 ft tall and need my goal to be looks not numbers... So were talking 6 inches or so... I'm big busted and work nights! All the odds right! Who cares... Lets stomp em out!

    I try adding and it acts so crazy! Anyone can add me... Lets do this!
  • kaylamallard411
    kaylamallard411 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey. Not quiet the same situation. I'm 21 5'4 181 lbs my goal weight is 140. I have a husband and 2 kids so being pregnant twice in 2 years has not helped the weight gain. I was a size 4 in HS and now in a size 9. I'm looking for people close in age that are willing to help support me and vice versa.
  • mrsdecourcey18
    mrsdecourcey18 Posts: 42 Member
    I have about 20 pounds to lose, feel free to add me for support. My husband is thin and basically just skin and muscle. I feel self conscious sometimes about the fact that I weigh more than him, so I can relate a little bit.
  • Feel free to add me! I'm 26 and 198lbs trying to get down to 140 :)
  • Suzie0804
    Suzie0804 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey im 23, 190lbs , aim is to drop to 140lbs, feel free to add me!!:)
  • joycemfp8
    joycemfp8 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me as a friend. mutual support is always welcome in my book :)
  • Hi! Congrats on your decision to become a healthier version of you :) Wishing you all the best! Will send a friend request.

    I'm on my own journey to lose a stubborn 15-20 that has stuck around for way too long...

    Good luck to all you ladies, feel free to add me!
  • Hay there.
    First of all you should never ever leave again. :)
    Secondly I joined different gyms and wait lost training programs but left because I couldn't carry on with the pace. I used to skip wheeks n finally I ended up leaving all the programs but now I am following my own routine . I was 220 lbs till now I have lost 20 n I'm still going on... don't lose hope and believe in yourself. You can do it. Just push yourself to work out and eat healthy... sorry for the lecture :D
  • vgbgunc
    vgbgunc Posts: 10 Member
    I think it's great you want to lose weight but do it for yourself and not your friends.
    Give yourself some credit!!!
    You sound like a beautiful person. You are successful, have a job, friends. And I bet you have a bubbly personality that is contagious and people love to be around you. Sounds like you have a great boyfriend who cares about you along with your girlfriends.

    Everyday be happy with who you are & where you're going. Your here for a purpose & that matters more.

    Be bold and courageous! Focus and you can do this. Steady plodding brings results.

  • shelleydavies1991
    shelleydavies1991 Posts: 59 Member
    I will friend you, my boyfriend is a marine and super fit! I feel like I am the granny too, work eat, sleep, repeat! I'm from the UK.. Chat soon! x
  • Kateo199
    Kateo199 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey im 23, 190lbs , aim is to drop to 140lbs, feel free to add me!!:)

    Hey! We have the same starting weight! I'm 22 and hoping to drop to 130. Still learning how to use the site as opposed to app so do friend me, we can discuss tactics!