Calvin and Hobbes...



  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
    kalitime wrote: »
    I love Calvin and Hobbes and I really love this thread. When I was a kid, C&H was the only comic that resonated with me.

    Here's a Hobbes doll I made for a friend of a friend a while back.

    That's awesome! You've got skills!!
  • ichbineinetomate
    ichbineinetomate Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks! It's not my pattern. I followed a pattern I found on Ravelry. I've made four so far, for friends of mine and family. I love the pattern.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
    kalitime wrote: »
    Thanks! It's not my pattern. I followed a pattern I found on Ravelry. I've made four so far, for friends of mine and family. I love the pattern.

    I don't crochet but a couple of my sisters do... hmmm....
  • ichbineinetomate
    ichbineinetomate Posts: 15 Member
    Go for it! The people I've given the dolls to all say they love them. :)
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
    kalitime wrote: »
    Go for it! The people I've given the dolls to all say they love them. :)

    I was thinking I would talk nicely to one of my sisters rather than trying myself. The last time I tried anything even close to crochet, it was mending nets with my father... and that was more than 30 years ago!
  • ichbineinetomate
    ichbineinetomate Posts: 15 Member
    UncleMac wrote: »
    kalitime wrote: »
    Go for it! The people I've given the dolls to all say they love them. :)

    I was thinking I would talk nicely to one of my sisters rather than trying myself. The last time I tried anything even close to crochet, it was mending nets with my father... and that was more than 30 years ago!

    The pattern is, mostly, easy. The only difficult part would be the tapestry crochet in the head and the belly band. I guess the ears would come in a close third as hard due to the color of the yarn and the tightness of the stitches. Everything else is a breeze. I hope this helps. :)
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
    kalitime wrote: »
    The pattern is, mostly, easy. The only difficult part would be the tapestry crochet in the head and the belly band. I guess the ears would come in a close third as hard due to the color of the yarn and the tightness of the stitches. Everything else is a breeze. I hope this helps. :)

    Easy for you might not equate to easy for me... I think I'll bribe one of my crocheting sisters..
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,535 Member