Here we are again....

I started this last year. 2014 was a terrible, no-good, very bad year. It began with my son getting a catastrophic ankle break-with me having to take care of him-to my Mom having a stroke-with me having to take care of her. Too many people needed me which left me time for sleeping and eating....too much. So here we are again. It's the second day of January and I'm going to do it this time. I need to lose 70 lbs to be really healthy, but I will settle for 30 if that's all my body can do. I am going to log my food daily. I am going to work out every day except Mondays because that's when the Community Choir I joined rehearses. I have to get out of the house. I have to start producing art. I need to do this for me. This time for sure. I'm setting my alarm on my phone. No excuse. No copping out. I am going to do this. I'm tired of being fat.
(*) B)


  • I hear you! I am back too. I can relate to your post, always putting others first. I need to eat a lot better, lose weight (25 lbs), and exercise regularly to keep my back from going out. I always say I want to live to a 100, but that isn't much of a goal if I am too unhealthy to enjoy it! Good for you for making yourself a priority!
  • trublutopaz
    trublutopaz Posts: 70 Member
    What a pleasant day. I made cookies for my son to take to work and no, I did not sample the batter. I played with my grandson and enjoyed the day off. I have to admit I am dreading returning to work on Monday.
  • Karlirosem
    Karlirosem Posts: 73 Member
    Sorry about your year! But this is a new one and you can do it! :) Add me if you would like!!!!