Simple seared brussels sprouts

jamiesmartypants Posts: 4 Member
edited November 2024 in Recipes
This is a very simple, almost common sense way to prepare Brussels sprouts. Char searing them is a great way to add some new flavor to the vegetable, as well as adding a nice crisp to the texture.
Cut your Brussels sprouts in half. Preheat a skillet on high heat. Add a very small amount of cooking spray, or a very small amount of cooking oil, just enough to lubricate the surface of the pan, about a teaspoon. Or you can avoid oil or spray altogether if you don't care to add the extra calories.
Place sprouts face down in the skillet and leave them to sear until they char, or even start to burn. Don't worry you're not destroying them!
Add 1/4c of water and cover with lid until all water evaporates. Test to see if they are fork tender to your preference, if not, add a little more water and keep steaming.
Pull sprouts from pan and place in bowl. Add cracked pepper, garlic powder, lemon zest, and serve.
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