Silence may be golden...

...but it's not very motivating! I have a few friends on here but most never say anything. Would like a few chattier people too (not necessarily to be on here all day chatting but who post stuff I can comment on/answer questions/ask questions and generally share this part of the journey with!

I'm gonna do this anyway so we might as well chat along the way :)


  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,866 Member
    I am here and never shut up lol. Add me if you think we may have common interests. At least we have losing weight in common.
  • gummy2790
    gummy2790 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I'm so into fitness and health so if that's one of the main things you'd like to chat about then add away plus other things too haha. gummy2790