6 meals a day



  • Marley2310
    Marley2310 Posts: 304
    Simply Trial & error ..try the 6 meals if ur not happy try 3 etc
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Are you hungry every three hours? Do you need to eat that often in a day or are you fine with less? Eating more often won't cause more weight loss.

    If you do want to eat that often, break up your meals or add in snacks to add more meals in a day like the above poster mentioned.

    Eating more often will aid in weight loss. If you are only eating two to three meals a day, your body thinks "Oh, I'm not going to get more food for another 6 hours, I better store this food for energy." Food get stored as fat. If you are eating every 2-3 hours, your body thinks, "I know I'll be getting more fuel in a couple hours, I can go ahead and use this food for energy now". This increases your metabolism, which in turns helps burn fat.

    Probably why this guy is so fat...


    I don't practice this and I actually do eat 5-6 times per day, but the whole speeding up your metabolism thing is just a bunch of bro-science.

    Um, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. First, I'm 6'0" and 180 lbs, so, not so fat. Second, I'm a certified personal trainer, so it's not "bro-science", its real science. Maybe you should do your research before you try to insult people on a weight loss help website.

    In for an eventual mea culpa or digging deeper.

    My money is on the always-popular-on-MFP approach of digging deeper.

    I believe this has been thoroughly and definitively debunked for some time now.
  • thephysiquemechanic
    thephysiquemechanic Posts: 44 Member
    Eating 6 small meals a day compared to eating 1 large meal a day has no special effect on increased weight loss.

    absolutely right. But eating just 2 meals a day and trying to fit all your important macros in is not Optimal.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    ...My money is on the always-popular-on-MFP approach of digging deeper....
    I'll hedge that bet. Dogma and bluster is often more popular here than eating a little crow and being willing to further one's education.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Are you hungry every three hours? Do you need to eat that often in a day or are you fine with less? Eating more often won't cause more weight loss.

    If you do want to eat that often, break up your meals or add in snacks to add more meals in a day like the above poster mentioned.

    Eating more often will aid in weight loss. If you are only eating two to three meals a day, your body thinks "Oh, I'm not going to get more food for another 6 hours, I better store this food for energy." Food get stored as fat. If you are eating every 2-3 hours, your body thinks, "I know I'll be getting more fuel in a couple hours, I can go ahead and use this food for energy now". This increases your metabolism, which in turns helps burn fat.

    Probably why this guy is so fat...


    I don't practice this and I actually do eat 5-6 times per day, but the whole speeding up your metabolism thing is just a bunch of bro-science.

    Um, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. First, I'm 6'0" and 180 lbs, so, not so fat. Second, I'm a certified personal trainer, so it's not "bro-science", its real science. Maybe you should do your research before you try to insult people on a weight loss help website.

    he meant the lean gains guy you jabroni.

    meal timing will not "trick" you body into consuming the food in the stomach before any other energy source... it doesn't work like that. the food in your stomach has to be digested first, which can take hours!!!

    intermittent fasting can make your body draw on it's energy reserves.

    multiple meals a day can be good for beginners because it forces them to eat less, and more often, as many people have problems with portion control. they go from lunch to the evening without eating, and are starving, and have three helpings of dinner.
  • thephysiquemechanic
    thephysiquemechanic Posts: 44 Member
    Are you hungry every three hours? Do you need to eat that often in a day or are you fine with less? Eating more often won't cause more weight loss.

    If you do want to eat that often, break up your meals or add in snacks to add more meals in a day like the above poster mentioned.

    Eating more often will aid in weight loss. If you are only eating two to three meals a day, your body thinks "Oh, I'm not going to get more food for another 6 hours, I better store this food for energy." Food get stored as fat. If you are eating every 2-3 hours, your body thinks, "I know I'll be getting more fuel in a couple hours, I can go ahead and use this food for energy now". This increases your metabolism, which in turns helps burn fat.
    Here's a link to a thread referencing plenty of peer-reviewed scientific studies which prove otherwise:


    Additionally, here's a review/analysis by Lyle McDonald (who is a respected author/trainer, in case you've never heard of him):


    Bottom line: 6 meals a day is broscience. It's been scientifically proven that there is no metabolic advantage to it. Nothing wrong with it if it works for you in terms of satiety/adherence, but it has zero effect upon "stoking the metabolism".

    Someones done there homework!

    Only thing 5 or 6 meals is good for is spreading out your macros needed for the day as 1-2 meals a day and trying to fit in all your macros is not optimal.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    I do six meals. Not because I feel like there's this scientific reason to it - but because it helps me from binging. A day could easily look like this.

    Meal One- Normally just coffee. I'm not a morning eater and can do just find with just some iced coffee - sometimes I add in a banana or some fruit
    Meal Two - Eggs or Oatmeal
    Meal Three - Cucumber, Green pepper, baby carrots, and some celery with some veggie dip
    Meal Four - Sandwich with some home made chex mix
    Meal Five - Smoothie with a salad or left overs from the night before
    Meal Six - small snack before bed - mostly something sweet.

    It changes up a lot but normally is the same week by week due to left overs. I also eat anywhere between 1500 - 1900 calories so this is easily done for me. I could never do this if I did it on a lower calorie diet. I couldn't live off of ave 200 calorie meals.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    Also I don't feel like this is a diet scheme. There are people out there who eat one meal a day, people who do three, and some people who eat through out the day. Don't let anyone discourage YOU from what you want to do. Try it out and if it doesn't work it doesn't. One trick I've found eating this way is I do my largest meal in meal four or five. Otherwise I'm finding around that time I'm STARVING and when I eat something small, continuing to be hungry, again I binge later on in the night when I sit down for dinner.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Your daily caloric burn (TDEE) is determined by your body composition. The more lean muscle you have the more calories you will burn.

    If you can hit your macros in 3 meals great. if not try 4-5 or even 6-7 if you have to. What's important is the macros, not how many times you eat.

    DISCLAIMER: of course if you have a medical condition like Diabetes your doctor or endocrinologist/nutritionist may Rx a different eating schedule. Please follow their advice.
  • Im pretty sure that eating smaller meals actually does result in more calories burned, however, the increase is next to nothing and would maybe be a few pounds a YEAR. Furthermore, more meals means more chances to underestimate your calories, which many people do. Meal frequency and timing is irrelevant. Calories and overall deficit are infinitely more important.


    Id focus on your workout regimen rather than focusing on silly dieting schemes. Eat your calories and thats that.

    ETA: many people actually feel hungrier when they eat smaller meals and eating larger meals allows you a hell of a lot more freedom in food choices

    ^^^ this
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I est 4 or 5.
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    Are you hungry every three hours? Do you need to eat that often in a day or are you fine with less? Eating more often won't cause more weight loss.

    If you do want to eat that often, break up your meals or add in snacks to add more meals in a day like the above poster mentioned.

    Eating more often will aid in weight loss. If you are only eating two to three meals a day, your body thinks "Oh, I'm not going to get more food for another 6 hours, I better store this food for energy." Food get stored as fat. If you are eating every 2-3 hours, your body thinks, "I know I'll be getting more fuel in a couple hours, I can go ahead and use this food for energy now". This increases your metabolism, which in turns helps burn fat.

    This is exactly what the program said!!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Are you hungry every three hours? Do you need to eat that often in a day or are you fine with less? Eating more often won't cause more weight loss.

    If you do want to eat that often, break up your meals or add in snacks to add more meals in a day like the above poster mentioned.

    Eating more often will aid in weight loss. If you are only eating two to three meals a day, your body thinks "Oh, I'm not going to get more food for another 6 hours, I better store this food for energy." Food get stored as fat. If you are eating every 2-3 hours, your body thinks, "I know I'll be getting more fuel in a couple hours, I can go ahead and use this food for energy now". This increases your metabolism, which in turns helps burn fat.

    This is exactly what the program said!!!

    Then the "program" is wrong...

    ...at least about the "increases your metabolism" part.
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    Meh whatevs...this has created a huge hoopla for nothing. People get so crazy. Haha! Did my question say "Do you believe this will work?" No...it said that I wanted to see people's diary who eat 6 meals a day. I appreciate the ones who showed me. :)

    The program is Fitnessblender.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Meh whatevs...this has created a huge hoopla for nothing. People get so crazy. Haha! Did my question say "Do you believe this will work?" No...it said that I wanted to see people's diary who eat 6 meals a day. I appreciate the ones who showed me. :)

    The program is Fitnessblender.

    Often, on the MFP forums, *how* the question is phrased affects the direction the thread goes...

    ...and admittedly other times, it really doesn't matter and it will end the same regardless.

    Perhaps try a new thread (without the bogus "increased metabolism" part) and you'll receive more of the answers you want...(or more likely, you'll receive fewer responses you want because the "hoopla" often increases visibility which drives more traffic...which leads to more relevant responses). As you've seen, the MFP forums can be a little...how you say?...volatile.
  • phyllisgehrke
    phyllisgehrke Posts: 238 Member
    Not Necessarity.

    I am retired and cannot eat large meals.
    So my doctor told me to eat 6 smaller meals and it is working for me.

    I have lost 10 pounds doing this
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Meal timing is irrelevant. Calories in vs. calories out in a given period of time leads to weight loss.
  • BrentJulius
    BrentJulius Posts: 89 Member
    I try to eat 6 meals a day and recommend it to clients at the gym I train at as well. Many people will discredit this method commonly referred to as "grazing". There is always a new method like intermittent fasting touted to work better, but I've seen 5-6 meals a day work well, tried and true, and if you ask a traditional figure model, bodybuilder or athlete it is a basic fundamental.

    It's understandable that many cannot do this due to their jobs etc, and so you make different plans but I feel grazing is the ideal and easy if you work at a desk or somewhere you can pretty much time out your meals with a reminder. The whole purpose is to never let yourself feel hungry and eat even when you are not hungry again yet. Once your gut has received the hormone responsible for hunger, it means your metabolism has already begun to slow and you are not going to oxidize as much body fat for energy as you would when your feeling well fed.

    Yes, of course a calorie deficit is the simple science behind weight loss, but you want to try and condition your body to burn the right kind of weight: fat weight, not lean mass. Muscle is what is responsible for burning calories so the more LBM you have, the more calories you need to sustain yourself and when you go long periods without food your body wants to begin using lean mass for energy over fat as a survival mechanism. There are 3500 calories in one pound of body fat, so you need to eat 3500 calories less than you burn over a given amount of time to lose 1 pound over that given time. So it is ideal to be in a deficit but eat frequently so your body has to constantly work to break down food (yes, this in itself takes energy) and this is also why we should eat foods that have been processed outside our bodies as little as possible (whole grains, whole fruits, vegetables, brown rice and other fibrous sources). This is also why you should have protein in every meal, because it slows the absorption of carbohydrates and you feel full longer, not to mention protects your muscles from being burned as energy.

    Another reason to eat frequently is because it makes it easier for to eat what you should and not what you crave when you get really hungry and helps not to over eat either. This is what I've found is the best method of helping people lose weight. If it was easy, everyone would be thin. It’s a lifestyle change that you have to be comfortable with because a “diet” will fail you every single time and you’ll end up losing muscle in the process and go back to a higher weight than you were before as a result.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Are you hungry every three hours? Do you need to eat that often in a day or are you fine with less? Eating more often won't cause more weight loss.

    If you do want to eat that often, break up your meals or add in snacks to add more meals in a day like the above poster mentioned.

    Eating more often will aid in weight loss. If you are only eating two to three meals a day, your body thinks "Oh, I'm not going to get more food for another 6 hours, I better store this food for energy." Food get stored as fat. If you are eating every 2-3 hours, your body thinks, "I know I'll be getting more fuel in a couple hours, I can go ahead and use this food for energy now". This increases your metabolism, which in turns helps burn fat.

    Probably why this guy is so fat...


    I don't practice this and I actually do eat 5-6 times per day, but the whole speeding up your metabolism thing is just a bunch of bro-science.

    Um, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. First, I'm 6'0" and 180 lbs, so, not so fat. Second, I'm a certified personal trainer, so it's not "bro-science", its real science. Maybe you should do your research before you try to insult people on a weight loss help website.

    Wasn't calling you fat bra...I was referring to the lean gains dude...making a point that that dude was once fat and is now a BB and does not eat 6 times per day. He practices IF. My point was that all of this meal timing bull**** is highly overrated. I said that I ate 6 times a day...I do so because I practically go insane otherwise. I don't believe in all of tis stoking the fires BS...people have success eating at all times per day and doing just fine.

    I don't have any problems with people doing what works...I do take issue when people say you have to do something to be successful.
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    Great advice! :) This is exactly what happened to me. I ate at 1200 calories, lost muscle, felt terrible, gained it back as soon as I started eating over 1200 calories and now I'm creating a new lifestyle for myself. TRYING to eat clean, lift weights, do some cardio, and eating about 2000 a day and working out 6 days/week. I already eat little snacks throughout the day so maybe I will try the 5-6 meals a day...couldn't hurt....didn't see one you naysayers that it would make me GAIN weight.