8 glasses of water per day

Hello all, I'm returning to MFP (and bringing my boyfriend along!) and had a concern that I wanted to ask some advice for. I generally don't seem to have a huge issue sticking to the food goals and eating well when I set my mind to it, but I REALLY struggle with drinking water- especially 8 glasses a day! I find myself getting nauseated whenever I drink more than a few sips, unless I'm really thirsty. Does anyone have any tips on getting over this tendency, or ways that I can 'disguise' water that won't affect my health or food goals (ie putting sugary additives in). Thanks for your help and advice!


  • Soon2BeMrsSherriff
    Soon2BeMrsSherriff Posts: 82 Member
    What about the mio or Crystal light squirts? That's what I used to do. Or you can make cucumber or lemon water.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I drink water with every meal and whenever I am thirsty. I don't track it. Still losing weight.
    I also like drinking unsweetened iced or hot tea. You could add a few drops of lime or lemon juice to water or look up infused water recipes. infusedwaters.com/
  • mckennasihde
    mckennasihde Posts: 43 Member
    Buy a nice water bottle and bring it with you everywhere you go!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    i make my water tasty ( for me lol) i do some lemon slices in it Or oranges or other fruits.

    And i have a bit of a system.
    In the evening i freeze my bottles of water which i filled jus for a 1/8 ( 2 bottles of 1 liter and one of 750ml) In the morning i take them out and fill one up with water and a bit of lemon. That one goes with me to the gym. While i train i drink it all.

    Coming home i fill up the other liter bottle and try to drink as much as possible with my lunch. i have some berries or whatever for flavor or noting.

    Than i have the 750ml left with the bit of ice in it...Sometimes i use that one totally but most days i dont drink it totally.

    The ice does the trick for me. I like to "chew" my water too. So when the ice is crushed it makes it easier for me.

    Further by meals i like to drink a lot with my meals. And i live in Vegas so 8 months of the year it is hot/warm here.

    Hope it helps Good luck :)
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    What works for me is a straw. I get a 16 ounce cup and stick a straw in it. Sip until done. Refill and repeat.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    If you don't mind the sugar content... adding cranberry juice to your water bottle makes it much yummier and easier to drink.
  • vgnfarmer
    vgnfarmer Posts: 108 Member
    I second the hot tea idea...maybe a broth if you are not too worried about sodium? Like the others said about lime/lemon you can also dress it up with Cucumber slices, mint sprigs, or really water down a juice you like...I freeze cranberry juice in icecube trays and add a few to a glass...idk
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Tea is an easy way to sneak water in. You could also try putting some fresh cucumber or fruit into your water. Another way is to fill up a giant bottle, and sip on that throughout the day. Don't chug it if it's making you sick, but do make sure you're getting in as much as you can per day.
  • MamaWeil2018
    MamaWeil2018 Posts: 62 Member
    Does tea count towards water intake? I've been told that since there is so much else added, it doesn't really count, but if I can count it that would make a big difference for me :)
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    nanelleJA wrote: »
    Does tea count towards water intake? I've been told that since there is so much else added, it doesn't really count, but if I can count it that would make a big difference for me :)

    It's a personal preference.
    I count it, because I'm taking a cup of water and putting a teabag in it. Doesn't negate the fact that my cup once contained plain water.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited January 2015
    Add ice. Cold water is easier to get used to than cool.

    You don't have to gulp it down. Just keep it handy and take sips as you feel like it.

    Don't worry about drinking exactly 64 ounces. Unless you have a medical or psychological issue that alters your normal thirst sensation, you can trust your thirst to guide you.

    Tervis glasses are great for ice water. I live in a really hot place and drink a lot of ice water. Even on the hottest summer day, those cups do not sweat - not even outside. They're not cheap, but work wonderfully and can be put in the dishwasher. If you order from the company, you can get them personalized. :)
  • 2gabbee
    2gabbee Posts: 382 Member
    I use Sweet Leaf Stevia drops that come in all flavors. All natural, zero calories. Most health food stores carry some or check out their website. My favorites, Rootbeer, Coconut & Orange Creme. Already suggested adding cucumbers & lemon slices works well also.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I always find it somewhat baffling that people dislike water....it's a basic human need, how can you not like this tasteless necessity? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Granted, some tap water does taste nasty, depending on the city or location, but filters are abundant these days and easy to use. Bottled water is everywhere, too, although cost can add up and dealing with all the empty bottles is a pain.

    As someone else said, get yourself a nice water bottle, preferable one with markings on it for every 8 ounces, fill it with good water and take it with you everywhere you go. Contigo makes great bottles and many designs and colors. They are dishwasher safe, spill-proof, and fit in almost any car cup holder. My whole family uses them and we love them. I take mine everywhere, never leave home without it, and it has greatly helped with my daily water intake. Check them out at Target, OSH, or many other stores, or online.

    I have a couple of 24 oucers and one 32 ounce bottle - love them. My fridge has the filtered water dispenser in the door, so easy to refill each time I've finished and logged a bottle.