Mum of two back on the wagon and looking for new friends

Hi all.

I'm a 28 year old married mum of two from the UK. I've always been big, but tipped the scales at 258 lb after having my first daughter in 2011. I joined MFP and lost 62 lb for my wedding day in 2013. Shortly after our wedding, I fell pregnant again and gave birth last July. I have gained back 47 lb and want to work my way back to my pre pregnancy size. I had a good circle of MFP friends for mutual support and encouragement before but most of them have moved on and aren't online anymore (or have quite fairly unfriended me for being absent for so long!). I'm looking for new MFP friends who log daily, interact and are in the same boat as me - mums with around 40-50 lb to lose.

If anyone out there is interested, please feel free to send me a friend request! I'm not looking for hundreds of strangers, just a dozen or so ladies to share successes (and failures!) with.