Looking for a job?

leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
edited September 21 in Chit-Chat
I am! And I feel like I need to connect with others who are going through this process...

It is very frustrating, isn't it? Especially when you have education and training. At this point, I feel like if I had all that tuition money back, I wouldn't need a job... :grumble: But its not a waste, it'll pay off.

I'm in Michigan, so if you haven't heard, this place is becoming a black hole! And I'm very close to Detroit. A black hole within a black hole. I'm not getting sucked in. I'm fighting like a maniac.

This morning I found a couple job postings in my field. I've been applying for any and everything, but I'd drop it in a second to work in the field I went to school for. My week has started off nicely because of the postings I've found. Its so frustrating to open the paper or go to a job fair and see nothing but work from home scams and military positions.

Anyhoo.... Post here if your in the market for a J.O.B. Maybe by connecting with one another we can offer support, advice, a few laughs, and maybe some ideas that we may not have thought of on our own.

Happy hunting!


  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Oh girl me too! It is so frustrating!
    I went to school for Corporate Communications, graduated in May of 08 and am doing secretarial work right now. Definitely not what I had in mind while I was in school.
    Pittsburgh hasn't been the best area for me to find a job in either, although I'm pretty sure its nothing compared to where you are right now.
    I really want a job working in non-profits but thats even harder than finding a general business job!!

    Let's keep our fingers crossed for both of us!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I am also on the job hunt! Finished school at the end of April. After a month and a bit I am getting very very very frustrated!!! I have a four year Bachelor of Arts Degree (Major in Childhood and Social Institutions - and a minor in Psychology) Than this past year just completed my Bachelor of Education.

    I too have been applying for anything and everything!! Its ridiculous... not very motivating because I have soo much free time during the day. I have had two interviews.. one not in my field, minimum wage job - didnt get the job. and one in my field but its only a month position for July (they are still in contact with me to get proof of education and such so I might still get that one

    You are not alone!! I am living in Ontario, Canada
  • D_Bouch73
    D_Bouch73 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, just read your post about looking for a jobI I am in the same situation as you looking for a job! good luck in finding some thing in your field! Feel free to add me as a friend.

    I am Donna from NY
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    Great idea, Holly!!!!

    I have been very lucky to have a great job, and in Michigan! lol But, unfortunately, it is only temporary. It was only meant to be during tax time, but they have now extended my stay for additional 2 months. As of the end of June, I will be unemployed again as well. It's scary! I have been doing a lot of praying that they keep extending me (not likely) or that they will call me back again in the fall when things start to pick up around here again.

    What are the fields everybody is in? It would help to know what to look for...

    I am a massage therapist and also have a lot of office background...(located in the northern suburbs of Detroit)
  • danazsweet
    danazsweet Posts: 52
    Being unemployed can be stressful, if you want to be employed. As part of our ancestral biology, stress increases the cortisol output, and starts the body conserving fat for "the big event", like a famine or dinosaur attack, etc. So stress can literally make us fat... when I'm under stress I take extra care to work out that stress through meditation, exercise and getting enough sleep. There's lots of other ways to deal with stress too.

    On the job topic, I decided a while ago, after being in the corporate world for years and years, and my fate being held in someone else's hands, I had to find a Plan B. I built something for me that no one could take away... my own little nutrition business out of my home. It fits my lifestyle and interests and it helps me to be able to stay home with my kids and grandkids. Home based businesses make up 50% of all businesses... and I like that I have some control over my own destiny this way. It's a virtual franchise, and anyone can start one.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Yay! I'm glad to know I'm not alone!

    erileah - My cousin is in Pittsburgh. She works in HR. I'll ask her to keep her eyes and ears peeled for you :o)

    sundinsgurl - First of all, congrats on completing your degrees! I totally know what you mean by "not very motivating". I applied for a job at a local Curves and wasn't hired.... and the sign is still in the window! I was also turned down by a bakery. :noway: :grumble:

    karatemom96 - :flowerforyou: Good luck to you as well!

    Crysta1976 - Have you tried the Michigan Talent Bank? I have not found it helpful at all, lol. But I do like that I can go to a Michigan Works office and fax my applications and resumes. I have worked 10 years as a dental assistant and receptionist. I am now a licensed esthetician and becoming a certified medical assistant. I would like to work in dermatology or in a holistic practice. (holistic isn't very big on the east side).

    danazsweet - It certainly can be stressful:yawn: I agree with taking extra care durning these times. I have Marianne Williamson's CD of Meditations for a Miraculous Life and I love the one for Work. It keeps me focused on the positive side of things, reminding me that I deserve greatness because I have greatness to offer:happy: I like how you took control of your situation. Congratulations on your successes in business. That is my plan, to work from home at least part-time; unfortunately, I've had to put it on the back burner after some health challenges took financial precedence in my life. I figure, once I get caught up and get some health insurance, I can invest in my equiptment and products and start slow. Working for a doctor would provide so much more education and add to my credibility. Not to mention health insurance:bigsmile: But I'm excited to be my own boss very soon!
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Holly, you are fabulous! I really appreciate you keeping an eye out for me!! :smile:

    To everyone else, it's nice to know that I'm not alone!
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I have been looking for over a year.

    I have taken county tests with 300 applicants for 1 position.

    I have probably sent out over 100 apps and gotrten 3 interviews.

    I finally contacted an old friend in an industry that I exited by choice 11 years ago and got a job that starts the 21st in a temp position.

    I have learned to live with zero cash.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Part of my responsibilities are recruiting,we have various positions from time to time.We are a Corrections Managment firm,and one of our government contracts consists of providing applicants from varied experience.We often have IT ,HR ,administrative positions,most are in the DC area,others are in other countries.At any rate may be worth a look for you.I'll include our website.

  • danazsweet
    danazsweet Posts: 52
    I love Marrianne Williamson... another good one is Louise Hay... She's like a wonderful, nuturing mother who says all the things you wished would have been said to you as a child.
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    I know exactly how you feel. I recently (2 months ago) moved from Upstate NY to the Denver Metro area. I have been on about 5 interviews and so far nothing has paid off. Although I do not have a degree I have been working in A/R for the last 4+ years and know what I am doing. The problem is, I am LOUSY at interviewing! I get nervous and I talk too much!

    I sit here, as we speak, going through Monster, CareerBuilder, Craig's List, applying to everything in my field. And then I stop and think: "I am absolutely CRAZY for leaving my secure job at a national food service company for a man who won't marry me...." It gets depressing, for sure, but I am still trucking and trying not to eat the house in the process!!

    Best of luck to you in your search!!
  • jrrtubbs
    jrrtubbs Posts: 33 Member
    Job hunting is the worst. I have a job right now, but I hate it. It's literally something to keep me afloat while I find a new job. I've just finished my paralegal certification and now I'm just trying to find a gig. The difficulty is that while the paralegal field is a rapidly growing industry, law firms hit by the recession had to lay off some great candidates and now it's more difficult to get a foot in the door. Oh well, I've only really been hunting for like a week so I guess I don't have too much to complain about. I just want to get some dough coming in so me and the little lady can get hitched, get some dope kitchen utensils, and start living our lives.

    If any of you are Chicago attorneys and need someone who can write really great briefs, help you with research, and even filing, let me know!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I don't want to discuss my specific situation here. However, everyone might want to check out a website called www.linkedin.com for networking, and job searches.

    I received an unsolicited interview request for a position in my field based on my LinkedIn profile. I'm pretty sure I didn't get the job, but I it's a good feeling knowing they called YOU. If you do have/create a LinkedIn profile PM me and we'll find a way to be connected.

    Also, if you're a recent gradaute, see if your school career office knows of anyone hiring, or has a place to post your resume.

    Just some other ideas besides the usual job sites.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I forgot about LinkedIn! I am on there but I forgot my passwords, lol. I'll have to take care of that today. Thanks for the suggestion. I totally forgot about that.

    Anyone know of any job fairs in the metro Detroit area?

    Happy hunting!:flowerforyou:
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    How are you all doing? Any good news to report?

    I recieved a call from HR at a job that let me go several years ago. It was a horrible situation back then. Even the HR lady at the time wound up being let go. It involved a doctor who interfered with my comission, travel pay, and set hours. And I simply pointed out that I work for the corporation, not her. She promised I would never work again and she made it pretty far into that promise..... So needless to say, this new HR must have been clueless. She offered me my job back! I was stumped, like this might be a cruel joke, so I asked, "Am I allowed to come back now?" I shouldn't have said that, but seriously, it was a BAD situation and I was totally in shock! I've been told that to this day, when an employee disagrees with this particular doctor, they say, "Be careful, you might end up like Holly."

    Anyway, I should have just acted like I'd be happy to come back. I'd love to show up and see that doctors head spin, lol. I'm sure I wouldn't last, but they'd at least have to pay me for that day. Hahaha. I couldn't allow that poor woman to make mistake like that. If this doctor found out she called me (She has since been promoted to regional director) she would be fired instantaniously.

    Anyway, I'm at crunch time over here. I'm going a little crazy not working, not to mention I'm almost at the end of my unemployment. Everyone around me seems to think I'm free to do whatever they need since I'm not working. I'm sending my kid to grandmas for a day or two next week and telling everyone to leave me alone so I can get myself all gussied up and hit the pavement the old fashioned way.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • D_Bouch73
    D_Bouch73 Posts: 9 Member
    Holly, Thanks for the good luck in finding a job, how is your search going? As for me, I had to stop looking for awhile (broke my left wrist, cast for6 weeks)but there is thing, there is age discrimination out there! You and everyone else that posted something looks young & I am older than you all (61 in Sept) so who's going to hire me? Hope to hear from you soon.

  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I have a job for the month of JUly.. so two more weeks left of work than its back to being jobless. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it doesnt last too long
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