just starting out

jamieporter22 Posts: 18
edited January 2015 in Getting Started
I Seriously need to lose weight! Im so uncomfortable in my body!


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can do this! Add me if you need a friend!
  • Mariophy
    Hi - I need to lose weight for health reasons first and foremost. Looking better is a bonus.

    I found that using SMART goals help
    • Specific - aim for something and don't be vague, e.g. I want lose 5 kg instead of I want to lose weight.
    • Measurable - so you can track your progress. You can say I want to lose 1 kg every month
    • Attainable - I would like to lose 20 kg but I don't think it's possible, so I will be happy if I lose 10 kg eventually. My first milestone is losing 5kg.
    • Relevant - being healthy makes it possible for me to enjoy my family and be there for them when they need me, enjoy life more and be more happy.
    • Time-bound - put a time limit to when you want to lose so much weight but be ready to forgive yourself if you don't achieve it. If you want to lose 5kg over 5 months and it takes you 7 months instead, it doesn't matter, as long as you don't give up and keep to your aim.

    I hope this helps. I weighed over 100 kg 6 years ago, I tried to lose weight and manage to knock of 25 kg. Then I put on some weight again (about 10 kg) so a about a month ago I started being careful again and am using myfitnesspal to help me. I've managed to lose 2 kg and although over the Christmas period I added some weight, on the whole it went down.

    Also, make sure you don't just measure your weight - sometimes it goes up as you become slimmer, especially if you increase your exercise (I have started walking more). As muscle builds up, you become leaner and thinner but you weight may increase because muscles weigh 3 times as much as fat for the same volume.

    I did not copy and paste any of the above. I learnt about SMART from a course I did which was not related to weight loss, but related to my work (teaching). The above is all related to my experience.
  • jamieporter22
    Thnk u
  • lovematthewchristopher
    Hi Jamieporter22, i too have had body issues for years now. I spend so much time worrying what clothes to wear, so i can cover up my body. I wear alot of oversized clothes, that cover me up, but also make me look bigger. I started on MFP about 41 days ago, but started a new eating and exercise program back in sept /14. I have lost a total of 16 pounds since being on MFP, but a total of 27 since the beginning. This is the first time that i have been able to stick with it for this long. MFP makes it much easier, and i am now starting to talk to people for motivation, as well as to give motivation. Welcome, i hope you do well on your journey. Think positive, and take one day at a time. You can add me if you are looking for a friend and someone to help you on your journey. I too have a fair amount of weight to lose, but am confident, and taking one day at a time.Good luck!
  • Miyah8605
    Miyah8605 Posts: 1 Member
    I started yesterday and I am excited! It will not be easy but well worth the journey! We can encourage each other if it makes it easier! Friend me if youvwould like. Im ready to get back to the size when shopping for clothes was fun! Good Luck!