New to my fitness pal

My name is Meagan Fancher. I have tried other apps and been on and off the diet roller coaster for a while. Shortly after having my 2nd child I went back to work and school Now that i have completed school and am in my career i need to focus on my health. I know something has to change the cloths I bought 6 months ago to start my career as a teacher are starting to get to tight I truculently weigh 20 more pounds than i did 6 months after my last child! I only weigh 162 and I am in a size 12 that isn't huge but for me it is very big. Right before I got pregnant I was a size 5 and weighed 136 My goal is to reach a size 6 and weigh 135. My goal isn't just to lose weight but to get healthy and stay healthy! Thank you for all the future support!
Meagan Fancher