Take three...or four?

Hello! This is maybe my third or fourth time trying in earnest to lose weight specifically on MFP. And maybe my tenth time in my entire life. I have to update my signature if I can remember how to do that. I have been fat all of my life. I am working on two Master's Degrees have two kids under 6 and I'm looking a divorce in the face (I am not sad about this and nobody else should be either). My mom bought me a fitbit for Christmas and I am hoping that it offers some motivation. I am setting a modest goal of losing 50lbs in 2015. My previous goals of losing 100 lbs in a year proved too overwhelming. I am always looking for friends and advice. Best wishes to everyone!


  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    edited January 2015
    Number 1 if you are serious this time around is to update your profile and LOG everything that goes into your mouth. Just logging will make you aware of how much you are eating. Remember this is a long process of remaking yourself so it will take time. Changing from 100 lbs a year to 50 lbs means you only need to cut your calories or expend an extra 3500 calories each week. Your profile says you have already lost 4 lbs which is a good start. You can do this.
  • casyb360
    casyb360 Posts: 27 Member
    I feel ya! This must be my fourth or fifth time giving MFP a try, but I know this will be my year! :) I'd love to hear what you think of your fitbit! I'm considering getting one of my own!
  • lcj150
    lcj150 Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck in your journey!!!!
  • AlexsMom721
    AlexsMom721 Posts: 7 Member
    Girl! I'm with you!! 3rd. 4th. 10th time ..Add me let's do this together!
  • VeronicaSummit
    VeronicaSummit Posts: 7 Member
    Realistic goals are the way to go, 50lbs may be a better goal than 100lbs...and I agree with charlotte....you bite it you write it.
    Make yourself accountable 100%. This is your life and you only have one shot at it. We are all on similar journeys, don't give up :smile: