Training "buddies" for Tough Mudder

I've been using MFP off and on for a year or two now, but I haven't really utilized the community. I've recently started going through the forums and seen quite a few useful posts and figure it's time to find some "friends". I am working towards training for Tough Mudders in early September. I am 29 years old and my goals are not particularly weight loss oriented (though I expect some weight to drop) as much as it is a lifestyle change and increasing strength and endurance.

I'm doing weight training for half an hour 3 days a week in a class offered at my work and running/walking when I have time which is generally 4 days a week for 30 minutes and then one "fun" day on the weekend where I go hiking or walking along the shore of Lake Michigan. Is anyone working on any similar goals and be interested in supporting each other?