Im back like i never left! (i actually did leave tho lol)

Hello, Hello, Hello, Welcome to the SmokinGunShow lol

Im not new to MFP for i have used it back in 2011 buttt at lot has happened since then like a baby girl, food, life, food, fun and did i forget to mention FOOD!. i decided Nov/11/14 that i wanted to become a better, healthier, stronger me.(btwn then and now i loss 10lbs). So with the help of this app, my efforts in the gym, my weightloss instagram acct @smokingunsha (follow me lol) and of course YOU ALL! i can finally have these guns smoking!!!

Sw: 222
Cw: 212.8
Gw: 180ish


  • portlandsundevil
    portlandsundevil Posts: 213 Member
    Awesome! I actually was doing great with MFP in 2011 too and then kind of just fell off after getting into a relationship and then just life stuff in general. I just added you on IG :)