Low fat post-workout meals !

Hi everyone, I am new to mfp and already excited on losing the last 15lbs.
I do weight lifting 5 times a week and started to mix in some elliptical exercises in the mix.
Not sure what is happening on some days, but I could eat like a horse sorta speak since I added some elliptical exercises in the mix so I'm not too sure which foods to eat at post-workout since I workout after dinner and at the same time, not losing any muscle gains ??
I feel like I'm putting on more calories after every exercises ??

Any advice would be greatly appreciated !!


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    General word on exercise nutrition is to eat carb dense foods prior to exercise and then eat protein rich foods after exercise. In small to medium amounts - not horse amounts! :D . Best advice can be found in the EXERCISE Discussions found in the main forums - I'd recommend you look around through the many discussions listed under that title.
  • changefulal
    changefulal Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you for your reply !