Strange things happen when you exercise

I hope I am not the only one who has moved from the couch to the gym and notices some strange things.
First - hello shin splints...I have opted for low impact to shed my first 50lbs but want to jog/run an upcoming 10K. The last time I walked/jogged it 3 years ago my shins hurt so bad for a full week I was in tears almost daily...any solutions?
Second - I smell ammonia after running. I don't smell like ammonia but the smell is when I inhale through my nose and last hours. At first it was occasional now it's nearly every time I exercise. Anyone have some insight? My diet it's fairly high carb so amino acid breakdown while a possibility - the higher carb diet solution isn't really available.
Third -Crick in the neck. I keep getting these when doing various stretches and/or exercises. Talk about painful. Anyone have a good stretch or technique to avoid these pains in the NECK -literally?


  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited January 2015
    Crick in the neck - see if your ordinary body movement s or home or work ergonomic s are contributing. A bad desk setup or too much laptop use can really do a number on you. Google that, there's tons on it.

    I think that some people can run and some people can't. people who are built to run generally enjoy it and get hurt less often. I guess some in the middle probably could learn to run *better*, with lots of training. If you have access to that, you could try. I think though that if you're prone to foot / ankle / calf problems due to bad biomechanics or weak connective tissue, maybe stay away from running, is my advice, which I wish didn't come from experience.

    No idea about the ammonia thing, sorry.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Re: shin splints.

    The single best thing you can do is work up to the distance. Yup, pretty much anyone going short distances to a 10K in one jump is gonna hurt someplace, with shin splints being common. As you as working your way up in distance, stretch your calves *after* you walk/run. A lot of leg trouble for runners is actually caused by weak and tight hip muscles, so work on those, too. The so-called myrtl (for no real reason) exercises are a good basic plan:

    Also, have you been to a running store to get fitted for shoes? That might be a factor. But overall, nothing will help as much as building up to the distance. If you're at the equivalent of 10K on the elliptical or something, you've got the cardio and that's *awesome*, it WILL translate, but you need to get your legs there, too. You could try following a C25K/Bridgeto10K using the elliptical or bike instead of walking, maybe? Or just start off running a quarter mile one week, half mile next week, three-quarters, etc before your usual workout.

    Re: the ammonia smell, you might get that from cannibalizing amino acids even if you're eating enough carbs, if your workouts are long and hard enough. Have you tried drinking more water?
  • Schwartzam2
    Thanks for the info and tips. I drink 64-80 Oz of water most days especially if I know I will be going to the gym because I tend to sweat alot no matter the temperature. I am thinking the ammonia smell may have a kidney link. I've had some kidney issues in the past, nothing major so it may be something I bring up at my physical next month. I will definitely hit up a runners store for a fitting and good shoes. I was pretty over weight when I began this journey and didn't know if I would stick to it enough to invest in good shoes...shoot I just bought some sweat wicking workout clothes - it's like heaven compared to the Sweatpants and tshirts I was wearing. After 11 months I think it's worth the investment. I am definitely looking into making some adjustments to my work set up, I have notice lower back aches thy I believe are connected to a cruddy old office chair. Thanks again!
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I was going to suggest going to get fitted for running shoes. Go to a local running store not one in the mall like footlocker or something like that. Go to place that works with running clubs. The one I go puts you on a "dreadmill" and makes you run and walk while recording you. Also, getting the moisture wicking clothes.

    I also agree you should not up your mileage really fast. My trainer told me about 10% of the longest run is a good increase and helps prevent injury.

    Good luck!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Are you only running? Yes to the shoes but also if you're having low back pain, you might want to add in some core exercise (total core not just abs) to help strengthen the muscles.

    For the neck - heat heat heat, and massage. You can always find a cheap massage on groupon, do a Hot Stone or Sports massage to really work the tightness out. It's really hard to stretch your neck when it's already tweaked without tweaking it more, you need someone digging their fingers in there.