Leeann, 25, Glasgow


Im Leeann, 25 years old from Glasgow.

I am new to this app as i am trying to lose weight aswell as get fit and maintain a healthy diet.

The reason i joined myfitnesspal is because i have tried dieting/fitness before and never last. I think it will be alot easier keeping track of what im eating etc with the help and support from other people on the same journey.

I hope to make some new friends so feel free to add me. Good luck everyone xx


  • kimkennedy89
    kimkennedy89 Posts: 13 Member
    Good luck with your goals Mrs :) I'm stay In North Lanarkshire so not too far from yourself. I've no friends on here yet but hoping to get some for a bit of moral support!
  • ldixon89
    ldixon89 Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me hunni. Im having trouble adding people just keeps saying web page unavailable. Im looking for some friends too for motivation & support. Good luck with your journey x