Using Bento Boxes for lunches.



  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Sort of on topic... kinda... hopefully...

    Any of you willing to share what sort of things you keep on hand or make ahead of time for your bentos? I think that is where a lot of my failing has been. I need more easy stuff on hand that doesn't require a big production to put together for lunches.
  • Ginny218
    Ginny218 Posts: 194 Member

    Tortillas - Ole High Fiber Low Carb Tortillas, 1 Tortilla 50
    Turkey Deli Meat(Gv) - Turkey, 2 oz 50
    Nature's Best - Apricots, Dried, 6 pieces 100
    Black Cherries - Fresh, 7 cherry 35
    Sabre - Hummus (Greek Olive), 2 Tbsp. 80
    Provalone Cheese - Sargento Reduced Fat , 2 slice 100
    Family Gourmet - Toffee Peanuts, 20 gram 99
    Hass - Avocado - Avocado, 75 g (1 whole avocado) 136
    total calories 650
    add 40 calorie halo
  • Ginny218
    Ginny218 Posts: 194 Member
    meatballs, fruit, wraps, dry apricots,dates, laughing cow wedges, babybel cheese, cheese sticks, molded eggs , raisin boxes , rice,frozen shredded chicken(make slow cooker), frozen chicken chunks, tuna pouches,vegetables,veggie straws, wholly gaucamole mini, leftovers, banana chips, - these are some i like
  • Ginny218
    Ginny218 Posts: 194 Member
    Amerane wrote: »
    Miso chicken, rice, asparagus, bell pepper, and the flower is made of pickled ginger

    I like the pickled ginger flower
  • Ginny218
    Ginny218 Posts: 194 Member
    ps i rubbed lime juice on the avocado and it stayed good after being cut for 8 hrs in the fridge and 4 in my locker before lunch
  • Beautyinthemoonlight
    Beautyinthemoonlight Posts: 13 Member
    edited June 2016
    This sounds like an advertisement to me since you can buy cheaper containers the same size for a lot cheeper but if you want to know what to put in them I have a few suggestions.

    - leftovers from the previous nights dinner. Salads, vegetables, quinoa, stir-fry etc.
    - spiralised vegetable noodles with homemade dressing. Zucchini, cucumbers and carrots are great and can be cooked or raw depending on your preferences. Add in some tomatoes, beetroot of other ingredients. Make your own pesto or buy a low fat mayonnaise to use as a dressing.
    - nuts are perfect for the small containers.
    - Wraps are excellent.
    - Yogurt
    - Apple slices and berries
    - Homemade sushi
    - Dip (hummus and crackers)

  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    Athijade wrote: »
    Sort of on topic... kinda... hopefully...

    Any of you willing to share what sort of things you keep on hand or make ahead of time for your bentos? I think that is where a lot of my failing has been. I need more easy stuff on hand that doesn't require a big production to put together for lunches.

    Most definitely on topic.

    I pre-prep and freeze single serves of carbs (these days, mostly rice and cornbread) and proteins (marinated chicken/pork/beef pieces, meatballs, chicken wings, dumplings) and my veg I prepare nightly. if you're having blanched/steamed veg, I guess you could cut up and store everything you cook with through the week raw, and then just grab a handful to cook with each night/morning.

    Stuff I don't generally pre prep: salads with dressing, egg based products (except marinated eggs which keep longer in the fridge), noodles (they stick together), and fruit that browns.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    edited June 2016
    The only thing I make ahead is boiled eggs, but I may get more organised in the future.

  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    Here's today's bento in my new super-cute kitty bento.

    Where did you get that bento box? I need it in my collection!!
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member

    Today I had an omelette with some oyster mushrooms I grew from a kit. I've never had oyster mushrooms before, they're really delicious, and the omelette made a great cold lunch! I really enjoyed it.

    Next to the omelette is a sort of Waldorf salad, but the only dressing was the squiggle of mayo you can see - when a flavour combo works as well as that, it doesn't need much help!

    In the other side are 4 poppy and sesame thins (a type of cracker), half a banana and a bit of Victoria sponge cake. There are also two custard cream biscuits and an oatcake, but they were emergency snacks which came back home as I wasn't hungry enough for them. I'm finding this is happening more as I settle back into eating less.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I made bentos last week to take to Denver Comic Con this weekend! I didn't take pics at con, but they were similar to the ones I'll have this week.

    AUUGGGHHH!!! And of course, my phone apparently didn't ACTUALLY take the picture of today's bento. =_= So I'll try to get pictures later this week. All very similar - but the fish-shaped egg today was so great! T^T
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Oh noo! I am sad for your undocumented fish-shaped egg, lost to the merciless onward march of time.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Oh noo! I am sad for your undocumented fish-shaped egg, lost to the merciless onward march of time.

    And also to my tummy :)
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    Here's today's bento in my new super-cute kitty bento.

    Where did you get that bento box? I need it in my collection!!

    Got it here! There's a rabbit & bear one too.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member

    Today, a slightly more restrained lunch in calorie terms - half a round of peanut butter sandwiches, a salad (apples, grapes and celery with toasted seeds), cherry tomatoes, a banana and some dark chocolate and raisins. These are the same custard creams again, this is day 3! I will probably share them with mini me on the way home.

    This is more like a conventional UK packed lunch, but taking inspiration from the bento packing style, with everything cut in pieces and packed neatly. The difference is subtle, but I find it takes the emphasis off the sandwiches in a way that allows me to pack a smaller amount of sandwiches and a larger amount of fruit and veg, which really helps portion control.

    Just as well this was restrained, as there was a corporate meeting of some kind at work today, and evidently the bigwigs were not hungry enough to finish their treats, so suddenly - free cake! :smiley:
  • brrrrito
    brrrrito Posts: 39 Member
    Ginny218 wrote: »
    what are those round cracker things and how many calories?

    those are black sesame rice crackers! they are 90 calories for 10.
  • brrrrito
    brrrrito Posts: 39 Member
    a couple more of mine:

  • Smushyypanda
    Smushyypanda Posts: 12 Member
    I have wanted to do this for ages and I'm just getting into it.

    I've done a bit of research but wondered if people wouldn't mind just clarifying a few things.

    Do you tend to freeze rice or cook it in the morning?

    If you freeze the rice do you just reheat it in the microwave in the morning?

    Do you store your bento in the fridge at work or at room temperature (in regards to rice) and then do you eat it at room temperature or fridge cold (since I assume if you reheated frozen rice you can't reheat it again at lunch?

    I'm sure these are silly questions but I just wanted some clarity.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    I vary on whether I refrigerate at work or not, depending on what's in it and how warm a day it is. If there's rice, I refrigerate it. I know traditional bentos were not refrigerated, but I'm a bit cautious about rice.