Anyone else tried meal replacements plus solid food to lose weight?



  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Ardenspark, I didn't mean anything negative towards people who are starting at a heavier weight than me. I was responding to the poster who said that I did not want to listen to what people were advising me to do (ie. not to try and drink meal replacement shakes).

    The point I was trying to make is that when you are starting off a lot bigger, generally it means that the calories you were eating before trying to lose weight were probably so much higher that if you want to lose weight and reduce your calories by say 1000 or 2000 (depending on how much you were eating before) then you can change to healthy eating habits and still eat eat 1500 calories or more every day in some cases and the weight will start to come off.

    I know this because when I was at my heaviest of 178 lbs in my 20s I ate a lot (probably in the region of 2500-3000 calories most days which for me was a huge amount) and then when I dropped that down to 1500 I found that the weight dropped off very easily.

    The difference now is that I gained weight again by eating what most people consider a 'normal' amount (ie. 1300-1700 calories) and therefore it's that much harder to eat less calories and change to lower carb/higher protein choices and lose the weight. Nothing against anyone who is heavier, just that my experience now is different, and that's part of the reason for using meal replacement shakes as it makes it easier for me to keep the calories low and to stick to my macros.
  • rancktnd
    Yes I use Shakeology chocolate is my favorite and I mix with Silk, sometimes banana maybe a tablespoon of Peanut butter, in Nov 24 2014 I was 164 at Drs office yesterday on my birthday 144. My husband got us a eliptical Dec 1st. First day on it at easy level 1.24 sec. Next day I hurt so bad didn't touch it, couple days later another couple mins and just took 3 steps forward 2 steps back, now I can get on it for 25 mins 2 times aday. I went on the 3 week diet. And I follow it along with HCI with my coffee and stevia, I eat green giant vegetables lots per day and proteins. No breads, sugars unless zero calories. And a bit of coffeemate. I do not eat 1200 aday, because I do not burn that in a 24 hour period. I had very high tricyclic, high cholesterol levels to the point of Dr going to do some cutting on me. And high blood pressure at stroke level.
    As of yesterday my blood sugar levels normal, cholesterol levels normal,, heart normal, lungs normal, fat i.e. tricyclic normal,
    Yesterday on my birthday my husband surprised me with the Vivofit. And this is amazing. Found out from sleep mode last night, I move more sleeping than not. No wonder I wake up feeling like I didn't sleep. I also got a SAD, Light that will help my sleep pattern.
    My Dr is very pleased.. I have I still have more to lose, and it will take a bit longer, now, but we all need to remember it all starts in the gut. We should be eliminating waste 3 to 4 times a day, not once or twice a day or once every 2 to days. Eating 5 small meals healthier water,water water with mio, that works for me. You know your body, you need to do what is best for your body and health.
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    I have ordered some shakes that will arrive today, and aim to replace some meals with them and eat a salad in the afternoon and normal dinner. Feel free to follow me, I keep my diary open. My advice would be to log everything. The only thing that has ever worked for me is counting my calories and logging everything. I also try to eat every 3-4 hours. If I only ate 2 big meals of 600 to 700 calories each, or one meal of 1200 calories I'd gain weight.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Hi Kelly, that's interesting. I have tried that approach before (ie. eating every few hours) but it didn't seem to make much difference. I do find that if I eat late in the evening, whatever it is and even if I haven't had much during the day I tend to put on more weight. In addition I get hungrier so that's why I prefer to have a bigger meal at lunch.

    Having said that I do find it good to have something every few hours, even if I have a shake for breakfast and dinner I try to have something small like an apple, a fat free yogurt or a slice of lean ham as a snack which is no more than 50-100 calories.

    I think meal replacements can be great, especially if you choose carefully and pick something containing all the nutrients you need and one that's low in sugar. The ones I have generally contain vitamins plus 25grams of protein, are low carb and have only 1-2 grams of fat in 150 calories and it would be quite hard to eat something similar that was palatable enough and also cheap enough for that matter. Plus it takes the time and effort out of it and means you spend less time thinking about food too.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Rancktnd that's amazing, great you've managed to lose so much weight and turn your stats around. I also use an eliptical machine at home but I don't use it that often, maybe only once a week. It's mainly because I prefer to use workout DVD sets because I find they work more muscle groups and help increase your strength/stamina without you having to do it yourself. I also feel more motivated when I do them.

    Re. shakeology I've heard of it but where I live it's not so easy to get things like that and after researching the protein shakes I use they seemed really good and it was easy to get them delivered to my home. When what I'm using runs out I will have a look at other options so any other recommendations will go on my list of possible future purchases.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    rancktnd wrote: »
    We should be eliminating waste 3 to 4 times a day, not once or twice a day or once every 2 to days.

    Wait, what??
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Yes not heard that before and don't think I like the sound of it either! I have found that when I eat more veggies and fibre I 'go' more but generally it's around once a day so I didn't think that was too bad!
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    JAT74 wrote: »
    Yes not heard that before and don't think I like the sound of it either! I have found that when I eat more veggies and fibre I 'go' more but generally it's around once a day so I didn't think that was too bad!

    Maybe if we were geese? :lol:

    I'm generally a once a day kind of gal myself, occasionally twice a day. File that under Things You Never Needed to Know, LOL.
  • rancktnd
    Hi, thank you for your replys, :D ,
    Re: protein shakes, shakeology is by beach body and it is delivered to my door, high end, 131$, you can get protein shakes at Walmart, which I have for around 20-25$.
    Re: eliminating waste,
    We get all of our nutrition from our gut, i.e. intestines, if it stays to long our body uses that and stores what we don't need at the time as fat, being at my highest of 180 and having to have a colonostomey to check blockages, or anything thing else, because I couldn't go normally. After my Dr finished, he explained everything I wrote here to me.
    I am in no way saying we are to be "geese" who have the runs.
    And for you or anyone else to make negative slams comments without education is not fair or helping anyone. If you are into the slaming of other's posts or comments. Then you must be at a perfect weight with no problems or struggles, and you know the secret to weight loss and being healthy, so why aren't you sharing how successful you have been?
    I didn't think anyone was here to slam another one's posts. And file this:
    I do not "go" 3 to 4 a day.
    Re: eliptical: at first it was very hard for me to use.and like I shared it took awhile to work up. DVD are great. Nice job selecting that for you. I have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, and Myofacial Pain Syndrome. S.A.D. and Low matab until I heard about the 3 week diet using High quality of HCI, which is a fat burner. I use 3 to 8 lb weights, a excerise ball and my eliptical.
    And I do not eat the "recommended" 1200 to 1700. Not being a athlete, that just doesn't make sense for my body, I do not burn enough calories a day. If I did follow that "golden" rules, I would never lose weight.
    If I am sick and can't hardly move because of pain or even have a cold bad enough to keep me in bed. I drink broth, lots of water I drink 6 to 8 12 Oz glasses of water aday sick or not and a shake or 2.
    And like I posted before, what I post is what works for me. It is really about your knowing your own body, no 2 body chemical make ups is the same.
    I hope in the meantime, instead of "telling anyone what you think they are doing wrong
    Or What you think someone should be doing
    "Slaming a comment and making fun" of anyone's comments.
    That is being a Bully! And I am sure we are all responsible adults.

    And this type of actions only makes some forget about even trying to get healthy for them selves.

    Sorry, everyone just thought we were here to help, encourage and motivate.
    Maybe I was wrong.
    I hope everyone does what is best for them, do what works for you and stick to it.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I don't think anyone was bullying or making fun of what you said at all, just a bit surprised as it is something that is maybe not commonly known. Anyway sounds like you're doing great. I had a look at shakeology and the protein meal replacement shake I have has got similar ingredients but costs me the equivalent of around 30$ per month I think.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited January 2015
    I don't know very many people who are going to find low fat, low carb solid food + protein shakes to be very filling or satisfying.

    IMO, the odds of this approach working are extremely slim - I know I would fail at it, for sure.

    It's also pretty unlikely that you got 40 pounds overweight eating 1500-ish calories - if it were me, I'd review my logging.

    Good luck!
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Firstly I'm not 40 lbs overweight, I'm 5'4 with a BMI of 24 so technically a healthy weight at 144 lbs. I want to be at the lower side of my BMI range at 117 lbs so I have 27 lbs to lose according to my goal. I'd also really like to lose body fat as I am currently around 33-35%.

    You can doubt I gained weight on 1500 calories but unfortunately it's the reality for me, and if I eat a lot of carbs I find it even harder to stop from gaining or to lose weight. I am not going really low carb, generally my carbs are currently around 80-100g per day and protein about the same. Without the shakes I probably wouldn't be able to get to that level of protein without breaking the bank and it also saves me time.

    I gave no hunger issues so far. Today I burned off 480 calories from working out and ate 1197 calories, including a homemade stir fry with brown rice for lunch, one meal replacement shake for breakfast with whole peanut butter and as I was still full from my late lunch I had a yogurt for dinner.
  • rancktnd
    rancktnd Posts: 11
    edited January 2015
    Hi, some could see that differently. As for my self, it is always best to educate myself, and learn all I can use and do what works for my body. I know how hard it is to make the choice to lose weight, have tried many many different ways, diets, excerise. For me the key was to put everything together along with what the Dr told me, kinda like reading a self help book, you take what applies to yourself and leave the rest. Weight lose is in no way " A one way fits everyone Program". Everyone has to find what works and what motivates. And keeps us motivated. Because we all can throw in the towel at any given point, because change isn't easy. At least for me. I also eat my biggest meal at lunch. And for me that was the best choice and First choice I made, because I know my metabolism is slow. Adding Yohimbine HCI, was approved by my Primary Dr. I started taking it November 28th 2.5mg with my morning coffee with Stevia and small amount of coffeemate. After 6 weeks I now take 2 daily 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. Along with Nicotine Gum. And that's how my trics were lowered, fat loss. I was in a size 14 jean, have been up to size 18 at 180lbs, my highest weight ever. Dolly Pardon had nothing on me chest wise, i worked for 2 yrs getting down to 164. In November, i was in size 12 jean all blood work still way to high, so i got scared, when My Dr said Stroke Levels and I went to work getting information, from her, the Mayo Clinic, on line I have a binder full of information on what happens to your body inside when you gain weight, why people gain weight, why people stop trying, why people go on 10 zillion different diets, and "miracle pills", why fitness companies are making millions with promises, and those promises are true, but 73% of the people buying them end up quiting. Those machines become hangers for clothes, or on Craigslist. I found the 3 week diet, paid for it, i dont follow it to the letter, but I got some good information that I questioned my Dr about, with her approval I took what works for my body. On my birthday the 9th, I got into a size 8 jean, lowered all blood tests to healthy levels. I won't stay on HCI forever, but I did find for me, once I saw my weight go down, that was my motivation to get moving, which is hard when your in Pain 24/7 365. 0 being no pain 10 being way beyond having a baby. Being Dx with this kind of painful disorder, in 1996 my pain level has risen to a new high for me. I can function at a 5-6 still in pain, but I can handle pain at that level without my pain meds.
    If I was to push myself on the excerise, I know I would lose more weight faster, but also know, I would be in bed for a couple days, maybe 5 days. So I needed that special help with my fat,
    That's another reason I slit my time 2 times aday every 3 days, sometimes 4 days.
    Being very small boned, short my ideal weight should be 105-107, no more than 115. And if that's the high end weight in the end I ok with that. I no longer have a tummy or love handles, I may have to "roll the twins up" at the end.
    But I think you have the insight as to what works for your body. You came back here and laid it all on the table. I admire your courage. I would like to see more encouragement, ways to stay motivated and less, who is doing this or that wrong, this journey is our own, and posts and comments with underlying negativity telling others what they are doing wrong Or What a person should be doing on their own journey can make those who just started their own journey throw in the towel.
    You keep doing what works for you, I do believe you will get to your goal.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited January 2015
    JAT74 wrote: »
    Firstly I'm not 40 lbs overweight...

    Your ticker says you're trying to lose 30+ pounds...
    You can doubt I gained weight on 1500 calories but unfortunately it's the reality for me...

    No, it's not. Until you're realistic about your calorie intake, no approach is going to work.

    Which brings us back to the 30+ pounds on the ticker...
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited January 2015
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    rancktnd wrote: »
    We should be eliminating waste 3 to 4 times a day, not once or twice a day or once every 2 to days.

    Wait, what??

    Because folks want to blame everything but their own free will and the daily choices that they make for their problems, that's why.

    Now, apparently, one's craptastic poop frequency is why one can't lose weight, right?

    Seems legit ...

  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Thanks for your input Rancktnd

    Mr Knight, I don't know why you have this fixation of the fact I have '40' pounds to lose. I have not said that. I also don't have 30+ pounds to lose, and don't think my Ticker says I have more than 30. Plus I've already lost some. I currently 'want' to lose 27.5 more lbs, though I probably really only 'need' to lose 16lbs. At 5'4 and 144lbs I am not overweight, just a little unhappy with how my body looks.

    Yes I did get to being over my personal ideal weight by eating 1500 calories and exercising 2-3 days a week instead of 6-7 days a week unfortunately. My body doesn't respond well to that number of calories, especially without exercise. I work from home so I don't move much other than dog walks or workouts. My dog is small so doesn't need massively long walks. She gets several short walks every day and a few hour long walks each week. If I don't work out or walk then I generally only go up and down the stairs in my house every day to and from the room I work in and my kitchen and living room, that's all.

    I don't drink alcohol more than once a week when I have no more than 300 calories of wine, I don't eat a lot of desserts and I have one main meal per day which is and always has been around half the size of my boyfriend's (who weighs 148lbs so doen't eat huge portions either). Before I started on meal replacements I was eating breakfast too but either skipping dinner or having a small snack instead in general. That all amounted to in the region of 1500 calories (some days a little less and others a fraction more).

    Now I have dropped down to having 1100-1200 calories per day and I'm working out 6-7 days a week, burning off a MINIMUM of 400 calories per day through exercise/dog walks.

    Unfortunately that is the only way I can lose the weight and if I'm not happy with the rate of weight loss I will reduce my calories further or do more exercise.

    As the other poster said we are all different and we should all be encouraged in what we have decided to do based on what works for us and our bodies. Not everyone on this website is massively overweight or are big over-eaters. I have never eaten very large portions although I have had periods when I have snacked a little more than I should have done, though never enough to push my daily calorie intake over 1700.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    To add to that Mr Knight - it's easy to criticise others and to tell them they are wrong when you are hiding behind a non-profile. Where's your photo and your profile information? The rest of us comment while laying our story out there for others to share but I find that people who are negative towards other people are usually too cowardly to give any information about themselves or tell their story.
  • rancktnd
    JAT74, because of my comment to Mr_Knight. I have been Warned. By him.
    Unbelievable so apparently it's ok to judge others, attack others with their self righteous.
    Whatever, I still believe everyone should be supportive, encouraging and help motivate. But Apparently I am wrong.
    Nevertheless, no one will ever tell me what they think I need for my journey toward my goal. And neither should anyone else for that matter.
    Thank you JAT74, I will back you all the way, because you are doing what works for you. You go girl. ☺
  • rancktnd
    rancktnd Posts: 11
    edited January 2015
    And just so everyone knows, I will not reply to stupidity either. With that clear!

    If you always do what ya always done you'll always get what ya always got.

    I hope everyone stays true to your own journey and keeps doing what is working for you. There are people here that will support, encourage, and help motivate. We all get stuck once in awhile. Never mind the negative people. They are only out to stop your journey which as we all know is a hard choice to make. You can get to your goal. Stay with the choice you made, make your journey count. We all have only one life. We can make our goals. Good Luck, I am with you anytime JAT74 is with you.
    (((((((Hugs everyone))))))
  • rancktnd
    Well, after letting my Dr see the critics and self righteous know it all, telling people what they are doing wrong and basically calling others liers.
    I am going to start my own group
    Your journey your way. Anyone who comments with a hint of criticism or self righteous BS will not get a warning, you will be out straight up.
    You can find this new group on my facebook page Debi Ranck 1/13/15,
    Where the only posts comments will be encouraging, supportive with motivation and we all can share those. Where we can feel blessed to lay our weight issues on the table. Ask questions, give posting answers. But this for me just isn't it. Feel like I am in a kindergarten group and I am well beyond age 5, very well educated in 6 different fields. Weight gain happenes, and before long we can't remember how we got to where we made the choice to change it up and start our own Weight Loss Journey.
    Hope to see ya there. Good luck everyone. And God Bless you all.